Chapter 16

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Tom stays quiet for a bit, before slowly turning around towards me. I don't give him the chance to say anything and add:

"I know this doesn't excuse this whole mess we're in, but I felt really strong breakup vibes, and I needed you to know how I feel before you left."

"You thought I was breaking up with you?" Tom asks in a small voice.

"Well, it certainly didn't look like you were on your way to buy me flowers." He laughs slightly at my comment and I add:

"I'm so sorry that I hurt you. I never meant for any of this to happen." He walks towards me and takes me into his arms, hugging me tightly. I let out a sigh of relief, and ask:

"Do you believe me when I tell you it was never my intention for this whole thing to happen, and that I never would've done anything with Noah?" He kisses the top of my head and whispers:

"I do, and I'm sorry for how I acted, I don't want to blame Harrison, but he kind of stressed me out about Noah." I smile into his neck:

"That's okay don't worry. I don't know what happened between them, but I'll talk to H."

He lets go of me and I already wish I was back in his arms. I say:

"Let me just go tell my cousin and my parents that I'm leaving, and then we can do whatever you want." He smiles and replies:

"You haven't seen your family in forever, and I came here to come with you to the wedding, so we can go back inside if you want."

"Really? Are you sure? My entire family is in there." I laugh.

"I'm looking forward to meeting them, then. Nothing can be worse than Noah anyways." He says, joking, but also sounding kind of serious. He takes my hand, and we walk back inside.

"Do you mind if I introduce you to my cousin first?" I ask.

"Not at all," he replies, and I take him to Nat's table. I tap on her shoulder to get her attention; she turns to me and says as her eyes widen:

"Oh my god, how did you convince Tom Holland to come to my wedding? This is the greatest gift ever, B.!" I laugh and reply:

"Actually, he's the boyfriend I was telling you about. He found a way to come after all."

"That's so great! I'm so happy for you, B. Anyways, it's so great to meet you Tom, I hope you guys have fun!" We leave and walk to the dance floor when they play a slower song, which I recognize as being "You and I" from One Direction. Tom laughs as we start dancing:

"Well, I won't need to quote you any One Direction tonight." I laugh too and we dance for a few songs, until my mom walks to us:

"Brooklyn! There you are, I've been looking for you. So many things happened, I saw Harrison, charming as ever, I'm still waiting for the day you two are going to end up together. Then Noah came to see me to say he was leaving, good riddance, I always preferred Harrison, and he also told me your boyfriend came here to surprise you. I'm not stupid, I quickly put together that you and Harrison are finally dating. Anyways, I don't see him now, where is he?" I laugh, leaning onto Tom:

"Harrison left, he wasn't feeling good, and that's my boyfriend, mom," I say gesturing towards Tom.

"Hi Miss Rogers, I'm Tom," he says, shaking her hand. My mom smiles at him and we walk towards my dad and talk for a bit. They get along really well, which makes me very happy. Around 8 P.M., Tom and I decide to leave, I tell my parents that I'm going to spend the night at Tom's before saying goodbye to my cousin. As we walk to Tom's car, I ask:

"Do you know where Harrison went? I really want to talk to him tonight, I don't like when we're fighting."

"Yeah, he went back to his hotel room, so you can talk to him when we get there." I nod and we keep talking until we get to the hotel. Once we're there, Tom shows me where his room is, before telling me that Harrison is in the room next door. I stressfully knock on his door, waiting for him to open. A few seconds later, H. opens the door:

"I heard you and Tom made up, good for you." I nod slightly before asking:

"Can we talk?"

"Why?" He replies dryly.

"You're obviously angry with me, and I don't like it." He sighs and says:

"I don't understand why you would jeopardize your relationship with Tom like that."

"But I didn't!" I say, starting to get frustrated, "Noah's my friend, and I'm not stupid enough to fuck things up with Tom! Why don't you trust me around him?"

"It's not you I don't trust, it's him. He's manipulative and mean, and he doesn't have a single ounce of respect for you," he says, raising his voice.

"What happened between you guys? You were getting along fine last time I was in London!" I raise my voice as well, not understanding Harrison's sudden hate towards Noah.

"If you really gotta know, we got into a fight and I beat the crap out of this asshole!" He says angrily.

"But why? That's not like you Harrison, why would you do that?" I ask, slowly.

"Because B.! He was running around telling everyone lies!"

"What lies?" I ask.

"Don't make me say it, B.!" He says, raising his voice again.

"What lies, Harrison?" I repeat dryly.

"That he had a whore back in Atlanta!" Harrison yells. "You happy?" We hear a loud gasp coming from behind us, and I realize that we're still in the hallway. I turn around to see an old woman staring at us:

"Don't mind me, please go on." She says. At the same time as she says this, Tom's door swings open:

"He called her a what?" Tom asks, and I've never seen him this angry. I put my hand on Tom's chest:

"It's okay, Tom, don't worry about it." I turn to Harrison, "thanks for having my back, but why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't think you would see him again, and I figured you didn't need this kind of negativity." I nod and thank him again, before saying:

"I'm sorry you had to get into this because of me. And I'm sorry about today."

"Don't worry, I should've talked to you," H. replies. We hug and he adds, "but don't worry, we're cool." We both turn to Tom who still hasn't said a word. He looks like he could punch a hole into a wall. Harrison says into my ear:

"I don't think he's cool though, go be with him." I nod, kiss him on the cheek, and take Tom's hand to walk him back to his room.

"Goodnight! Thanks for being so entertaining!" I hear someone say. I turn around to see that the old lady is still there, so I tell her goodnight as Tom and I go back to his room. As soon as we close the door, Tom says:

"You better hope that we never run into that guy again, because he's going to end up with a nasty bruise." I laugh nervously and say:

"Tom, he's not worth all of this. Just let him say whatever he wants, it doesn't matter. Let's go to bed." He nods, and hands me one of his shirts so I can wear it to sleep. We both get in bed, and he holds me in his arms, playing with my hair. As I'm about to fall asleep, he whispers against my head:

"B.? Are you sleeping?" I shake my head slightly, and he continues:

"I just want you to know that I love you too."

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