Chapter 4

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"Would you please stop moving? Your makeup is going to look terrible! Do you really want to look ugly on screen?" I ask Anthony, who keeps looking everywhere around him.

"Oh, come on, you've been my makeup artist for a month now, aren't you used to me moving all the time by now?" He replies, laughing.

"But you're moving a lot more than usual right now, what's going on?"

"Marvel is filming on so many different sets at the same times, and I have to keep track of where I need to be, and when." He sighs "it's just making me a bit nervous."

I nod to show him that I understand, "well, if it can help, I'm done now, so you can go wherever it is you need to be!"

He thanks me and leaves. I've been here for a month now, and it has been really great. I enjoy working here so much, and Anthony and I have been getting along really well. Everyone on this set is so nice, and I find them all, especially Anthony and Sebastian, to be very down-to-earth and fun to be around. Since I have about an hour before I need to do touch-ups on Anthony's makeup, I decide to call Harrison. However, when I take out my phone, I'm surprised to see that I have a text from Tom:

One message from Tom

"Hi! Just to tell you that I'm boarding the plane now! I should be there around 7 tonight, I'll call you when I land. Thank you so much for doing this, I really appreciate it!"

What? Tom and I haven't talked at all for the past three and a half weeks, so I'm pretty sure he texted the wrong person. I try to call him, but I go straight to his voicemail. He's probably on a plane now. I'm just going to call Harrison, as I was initially planning to, and ask him at the same time; he probably knows what to do in this kind of situation. He answers after a few seconds:

"B.! Hi, how's it going? Are you on set now? You still don't want to tell me the Marvel series you're working on? Don't worry, I won't tell Tom anything! I haven't even told him you were working on a Marvel set."

"Wow, slow down, how many cups of coffee did you drink?" I laugh, "Yes, I'm on set now, I really want to tell you, but I can't, unfortunately!" I pause a few seconds before adding, "and speaking of Tom, do you happen to know where he is going right now? Because he texted me, but I'm pretty sure the message was not for me, and it sounded like it was meant for someone who was picking him up at the airport tonight."

Harrison immediately says "oh no" before staying silent for a few seconds.

"What do you mean 'oh no'?"

"Well... Um, listen B., I'm not sure how to tell you that, but the message was meant for you," he begins.


"Yeah, oh man, I knew I should've said something. That guy is so used to having a lot done for him, he's such a stupid child"

"Okay, listen, whatever you did, don't blame yourself for it. I'm supposed to be done by 7 tonight anyways, so I can pick him up at the airport. He did the same for me anyways."

"I don't think you get it, B., you don't understand."

"What did you tell him?" I'm starting to feel anxious, hoping H. didn't get me involved in anything I can't handle.

"Uh... Well, he was telling me that he needed to go to Atlanta to film Spider-Man 3, and that he wasn't sure where to stay. Since he'll be staying there for a while, he wanted to rent a place to stay instead of paying for a hotel. He doesn't like hotels because they draw paparazzies and fans and all that. But he was nervous about renting an apartment before visiting it in person first." He pauses and I can feel him hesitate to continue.

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