Part 2

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The next morning I woke up and I looked over to my side at the alarm clock the time was 8:45am. I thought to myself that it was a good time and after a long amount of time I had finally got a good sleep. I looked over to Eddie and realised that Sev was gone. "Well good morning" came a deep but kind voice. I looked behind me and it was Severus. "Morning" I said in a sleepy voice.

"How was your sleep Ellie" he asked setting down a hot cup of tea for me on the bedside table. "It was probably the best I've had in a long while" I said giving him a small smile. "Good morning sissy and mr Severus" came Eddie's voice.

"Oh good morning Eddie I didn't realise you were awake" I said. "Oh sorry did I do something wrong" he said tearing up. "No, no you didn't" I said giving him a loving hug. "Are you sure your not his mum" said Sev. "I'm sure but a lot of people do think I'm his mum" I said giggling.

After me and Severus had finished our drinks we went down stairs to get breakfast. "Can I have pancakes please" said Eddie. "Of course little one" said Sev. "Would you like pancakes to Ellie" he said. "Yes please Sev" I said. "Nice nickname" Severus said. "Oh ummm sorry" I said stuttering. "No don't be I like it" he said smirking. "Eww" said Eddie. All of us started to laugh.

After we had ate me and Eddie started to gather all of our things. "you know you can keep that jumper if you want Ellie" sev said. "Are you sure it is your's" I said. "Go for it I have many more" he said. Sissy hurry up" said Eddie. "Yes I'm coming" I said from Sev's room. Me and Severus were in his room getting mine and Eddie's thing's.

When I stood up I turned around and locked eyes with Severus. We slowly walked closer to each other and he rested his hand on my cheek slowly rubbing his thumb across it. Our faces moved close so our lips were brushing on each other. We kissed for a short about of time but we heard someone walking up the stairs so we separated. "What is taking you so long sissy" said Eddie. "Sorry let's go we better try get into the house without mum or dad realising or just get you upstairs I can deal with them" I said. "Ok let's go I wanna play with my car's" he said.

We all said our goodbyes and me and Eddie made our way to our house. We walked inside and I told Eddie to go upstairs. "Look who we have here" said my dad. "Oh umm hi dad" I said. "Dont hi dad me were have you been all night" he shouted. "That doesn't matter" I said. He slapped me round that face and kicked me in the stomach. "DAD STOP" Eddie shouted. "What are going to do about it" my dad shouted. "DAD GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM" I shouted still holding my stomach in pain. He came over and punched me in the face the last thing I saw before I passed out was a tall figure barging through the door.

I woke up in my room and there was two figures sitting at the end of my bed. Once my vision was not blurred any more I could see who they were. It was Severus and Eddie. "Are you ok" came Sev's voice. "Y-yeah wait no I'm not my stomach hurts and so does my face" I said sarcastically. "Dont get mad with me I was the one who came to help you guys" he said. "Is eddie ok and were is my mum and dad" I asked. "Eddie is ok I wouldn't let them do anything to him and your mum and dad ran of somewhere" he said.

"Yeah sissy you should of seen it he was using a wand and it was just mind blowing" he said giggling. "Wait your a wizard to" I said. "Yeah wait is your family wizards" he said. "Yeah we are a pure blood family but we kinda fell apart" I said. "Well now I don't have to hide my wand" he said smirking. "How is your stomach and your face feeling now" he said. "A lot better thank you" I said. "Oh Eddie remember grandma and grandad are coming to pick you up today" I said. "Oh yeah I forgot about that" he said. "I will guess I have the house to my self" I said. "Mr Severus" Eddie said. "Yeah little one" he said. "Can you take care of my sister please" Eddie said. "Of course I will little one" he answered. "Eddie I don't need to be taken care of" I said. "Yes you do your hurt and you will get bored" he said. "Ok that's true" I said giggling.

After sometime me and Severus were helping Eddie  pack for his trip to our grandparents house. We heard a knock on the door and Eddie was ready to go. I opened the door and I saw my grandparents. "Hi grandma hi grandad how are you come in" I said. "Hello dear you have grown so much and oh look our little Eddie look so grown up and oh who is this" my grandma said. "I'm Severus, Severus Snape it's nice to meet you I live across the road" he said shaking there hand's. "It's nice to meet you to dear Eddie are you ready to go" said my grandma. "Yes grandma" he said happily.

We watched as they got into the flying car and left. "God what am I going to do for the next 2 week's" I said. "I don't know I will help you figure out something but In the mean time do you want to go to the bar for a drink" he said. "You know what sure" I said.

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