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POV change

Raph walked in to say bye to you only to see you sitting at your work desk looking extremely tired. "Y/n did you sleep last night?" You jumped a little and turned to him "no not really why?" He but his lip not wanting to sound rude "because you don't look very good. You should get some sleep before going in to work." You yawned "ok maybe I will." He chuckled "you better because you get nasty when your tired." You nodded "ok" he kissed the top of your head and when he did he noticed the notebook and all the writing on the one page "did you write that all last night?" You nodded "yeah its a song." He raised a brow as you offered it to him before taking it and as he skimmed over it he noticed it talked about rape "is this your song?" You shook your head "someone else wrote it, but I thought it'd help me with a song of my own if I wrote the lyrics down and it did." He flipped the page and skimmed over it "its funny its a completely different kind of song." You giggled "yeah, but its not finished yet." He looked where you ended "what if you wrote...that for this part of it." You read it and your eyes got wide "your so helping me finish this when you get home. Love you bye." You pecked his lips and shoved him out the door "love you too." You shut your door then set an alarm for one o'clock before climbing in bed and falling asleep quickly.

Raph climbed on the school bus and quickly found his buddies that were over the night before and sat next to them. "You make up with your girl last night?" He looked at them confused then caught on "yeah I did. Not in the way you guys are thinking." They started laughing then the coach got on "be quiet while I make sure everyone is here." The bus went silent as he took roll, but when he got to your name and you didn't answer he looked straight to Raph "wheres Y/n?" Raph stood up "she has to work today." The kid infront of Raph thought it would be a good idea to make a snide comment "doing what? Working her pussy on other guys' cocks while you're gone?" Raph wanted to slap him so bad it hurt, so when the coach gave Raph the ok he made it worth while by hitting him so hard he flew out of the seat "oops. I forgot you guys are more fragile than us turtles." He smirked at the kid who was rubbing his head where he just got hit "that had to hurt." Raph glanced at his buddies "especially since he punched a concrete wall last night and cracked it." He looked at them from the corner of his eye as the coach walked back there "when I gave you the ok I meant you do it softer then that." Raph crossed his arms as he sat down and coach helped the other kid up "that was soft. Do you want me hit him hard?" Coach shook his head "no. One hit was enough."

When they got to the college they'd be touring only the head guy was there "these must be the football players. Are there any managers here?" Two guys and a girl raised their hands "ok cool. Let's get on with the look around campus." The head coach walked at the back of the players while the head guy walked at the front "these are the dorms. Big enough to hold almost three hundred people shoulder to shoulder. They have two bedrooms and one bathroom as well as a nice kitchen to make things feel more like home for all our students here." Jackson snickered "wouldn't feel like home to Raph unless it stunk." Some of his friends laughed until Raph turned around popping his knuckles and fingers "you so asked for this asshole." Jackson started backing up trying to get away from Raph until Raphs buddies grabbed him "Raph it isn't worth it." He growled "fine, but next time he's not getting away with it." The group moved on to the classrooms, then the pool and gymnasium which were connected, the food court was next which is where the head guy explained to them that they served all kinds of things all day, then the weight room was next which is where they were aloud to walk around to look at everything, and last but not least they were showed the locker rooms and the football field.

"This place is where my career starts." Raph scoffed "keep dreaming Jess." Carter rolled his eyes at Raph "you got this. Don't listen to turtle boy." They both laughed as Raph turned to them "remember I can hurt you guys, so don't tempt me." Raph noticed coach and the head guy talking and pointing at him and his friends as they teased and called eachother names "you three come here." Carter and Jess stiffened up a little before walking over there with Raph "yes coach?" He pointed to the head guy "your coach here told me you three can really play considering your small size." Raph growled "got a problem with shorties?" Jess placed his hand on Raphs "god no. I didn't mean it in that way. I have quite a few players now that are short, but thats not the point. I would like all three of you to put in for this school and I'll make sure you guys get in. I've heard you three are some of the best on your team and I'm sure the coach of this school would like some good players especially since one of you know a special tackling technique that an old player for this school used to use." He glanced at Raph "what if we don't want to put in for this school. No offense, but you guys haven't won any games in two years even with great players." The head guy chuckled "no offense taken. I understand what you mean, but from what I've been told you guys can turn the team around."

"Can you believe he told us that? I'm sure he tells alot of kids that." You smiled "yes I can Raph. You and your two friends are really good players and I'm not going to stop you from doing what you want...and yes I'm sure he does too." He sighed "I mean the good thing about it is that the schools only like and hour away, but I dont want to sign up for something that won't allow me to be successful." You sighed "their issue is that they won't change the plays. They've had the same plays since before my brother went there. When my brother went there he had the audacity to change the plays and not listen to the coach which is why they always won and the only reason why my brother didn't go pro is because the old coach didn't like that my brother was doing that and took his plays and shit off the website until after all the other players were chosen then they suddenly reappeared again afterwards." He shook his head "thats messed up." You nodded "yeah well karma came back and bit him in the ass within three days of him putting those plays back up online. He got into a head on collision with a semi when he went west for a vacation. Poor fucker never had a chance." Raph shook his head "as bad as I feel about that happening to him at the same time I don't feel bad because what he did wasn't right." You nodded "he didn't do it to just mt beother either. He did it to alot of the kids on the team that listened to my brother instead of him." He chuckled "thats bad that they listened to him instead of their own coach." You let put a breathy laugh "yeah well my brother made them successful. The coach didn't."

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