Nightmare Pt. 1

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  Virgil tossed and turned in his bed. He let out a quiet growl while still asleep. But mentally he wasn't here. He was in a nightmarish place from his past:

  Virgil walked down the hallway of the high school.he had gone to. The hallways was nearly empty as it was getting later. He walked out the double doors at the front of the school. He carelessly walked down the front steps. When he got to the bottom he heard a growl that sounded like a wounded animal, coming from the side of the school.
   Out of curiosity he decided to follow the sound. He moved slowly around the building. Virgil hid behind trees and bushes in case the animal saw him and decided to attack. What he saw in the light of the setting sun was a few people in all black clothing. Their skin was deathly pale. He stayed hidden, close enough to hear but far enough to go unseen, for now.
  "What do you mean, the prince is human?" A woman hissed, "He can't be human. We've come all this way." What did she mean by prince?
  "Why didn't you change him? You've had plenty of opportunity. You half written changling." One of the older men growled.
  The woman the approached the kid, someone Virgil recognized from class. The class clown who was actually very smart. "I guess we're going Ro have to find someone else to do you're job for you, aren't we Joan?" She asked the kid.
  "No, please. I can do this, please," The kid pleaded.
  "Too little too late, boy," She spat out the word 'boy', knowing they weren't. "Obviously, you're not as strong as we thought." She stood tall once more turning to a separate man, "Adel, take care of the child." She yanked something from the boy's neck and wrist.
  The one man who hadn't spoken grabbed Joan and drug them off. The man, Axel, held their mouth so no sound escaped. Terror filled their eyes as they disappeared through some trees.
  Virgil's heart pounded, he had to get out of here. He turned, ready to bolt when he came face to face with another kid from his class. "I-uh. . ." Virgil stuttered.
   The boys blood red eyes looked down on him. He shoved Virgil and it was a strong enough shove to send Virgil flying over the bush and land at the woman's feet. She crouched down taking Virgil's face in her hands. "Did you enjoy the show?" She spoke quietly just to him at first. Then, "He'll have to do." She shoved his face away from her as she stood back up. "Terrence, get him ready. I'll make sure the queen knows she has lunch coming." Then the lady was gone.
  Virgil looked up right as the boy's foot came down on his face. Suddenly there was blackness and a loud ringing in his ears.

  Virgil sat straight up. He breathing was hard and fast. He frantically looked around. The ringing was still in his ears. He touched his chest, his face, his arms. His sighed as the ringing began to disperse. He was safe, for now. He hated reliving that day over and over. He slowly lifted his hand to his neck. He felt the ice cold scars he had there. The rest of his skin was normal heat but the scars never gained normal heat. It was a reminder that it was real. A reminder if the monster he was.

The Nightmare Prince: A Sanders Sides Story (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now