Boyd Swan Part Three

Start from the beginning

"I try my best to keep my men alive out there." Don whispered. You put your hand over his and said,

"You've done a great job so far." He looked at you and nodded. You smiled at him and stood up.

"I've decided that since this is your last day here, I'm gonna make a huge breakfast for all of you."

"That sounds wonderful (Y/N)." Don said and you started making the largest breakfast that you have ever made.

"Pass the ketchup please." Grady said and you passed it to him and he squirted it all over his eggs.

"On your eggs?! Ewwwww!" You said and all the men laughed.

"That's the best way to have em." Grady said and leaned over and squirted ketchup on your eggs.

"Grady!" You yelled.

"Just try it!" He replied. You picked up an egg and looked at it with disgust. You brought it to your mouth and popped it in. You chewed slowly and then swallowed. "So?"

"It's actually not that bad." All the men burst out laughing and you laughed with them. Having them stay here this month was the best thing that has happened to you. Now, these men were like your family.

After you and the guys cleaned up from breakfast, Grady, Don, and Trini decided to go for a drink and left you and Boyd alone.

Currently, you were laying naked in bed with your head resting on Boyd's chest.

"I don't want you to leave." You said.

"I know sweetheart." He said and stroked your hair. "I don't wanna go either." He pulled you closer and you sobbed into his chest. This was the worst part for you, when the time for him to leave again. You knew that he had to, but you were so scared that he wouldn't come back and then you'd never see him again. You sobbed and Boyd whispered sweet nothings into your ear to comfort you.

"I love you." You sobbed.

"I love you more." He said sweetly into your ear and kissed your forehead. He gently grabbed your chin and looked into your eyes. "I'm gonna come back sweetie. Once this war is over, I'm gonna come home and we can start a family." You smiled and he used his thumb to wipe away your tears.

You and Boyd laid in bed together until it was time to leave. You helped Boyd pack and brought his stuff into the living room where everyone was waiting.

"Well I guess we should get going now." You said as you walked in as it was 10:45am and you needed to leave by 11:00am.

"I guess so." Don replied.

"I'll drive this time." Boyd said and looked at your for approval. You nodded and the guys loaded all of their bags in the vehicle. You called Shay and she came barreling out of the house and jumped right into the open door of the vehicle. Everyone laughed and you were ready to leave.

Finally, after eight hours of visiting durning the drive, you made it to the train station. After the men loaded all of the bags into the train, they all lined up to say goodbye. First up was Don, who came and shook your hand, but you pulled him into a hug.

"Keep them all safe." You whispered into his ear before you pulled away. He nodded and moved aside. Next was Trini. He pulled you into a hug and said,

"I'm gonna miss you (Y/N)."

"I'll miss you too Trini." You said and laughed as he pulled away. Then Grady came and pulled you into a big bear hug. "Grady, please watch over Boyd." you whispered.

"You can count on it." He said and pulled away. Finally, came Boyd. He slowly walked up to you and took both your hands.

"I love you (Y/N) and I will come back. I promise." He said and pulled you into a kiss. Your lips moved in sync and you poured all your feelings into that one kiss. Eventually, you pulled away because the conductor said that the train was leaving in two minuets. "I gotta go babe." He said as your foreheads were resting against each other.

"I know." You said as a tear slid down your face. He gently wiped it away and have you one more sweet kiss. "I love you." You whispered.

"I love you too." He said and walked to the train. You watched as he boarded the train and it pulled away. You slowly walked back to the car and got in. Shay greeted you with a bark and you finally let it all go. You sobbed loudly and felt tears rushing down your face as your realized that this might have been the last time you would see Boyd. Shay crawled into your lap and sat there quietly as you cried.

Finally, you calmed down and composed yourself. You needed to be strong for Boyd and for yourself. And in that instant, you decided that there would be no more crying. You would love your life as well as you could until Boyd came back, and you knew he would.

Okay so that probably sucked ass but I kinda needed a filler chapter. So there will be one more instalment in this mini series and then there will be no more for a while just so you know. And I'm open to requests so request away!!!

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