"Oh there he is~ Wait here Gon" Hisoka stood up and walked away leaving the boy alone.
Gon shrugged and played with the pins on his backpack.

"Hey you seem to be new here!"

Gon looked up at the sudden voice and saw a smiling man with a blue shirt and having cans in both of his hands.
"Oh hello" Gon got up from his spot and put his backpack on.
"I am actually new here, how'd you know?"

"I have taken this test so many times that I can tell who has or has not taken this exam before. It gets easier every year! I am Tonpa by the way. If you need any help then I am more than happy to help."
"Oh wow thank you Tonpa! I'm Gon! It's nice to meet you!"
"Since you don't mind helping, can you tell me who I'm up against?
"Yeah! Let's see."

Tonpa eyed the crowd trying to pick out who to give a brief summary to Gon.
"Oh I actually met those guys earlier." He pointed at two contestants. One was a tall lean man with a business suit talking to an average height male with longish blonde hair with a tribal like outfit.
"The tall one is Leorio and the other one is Kurapika. They didn't really take a liking to me so I couldn't get much about them."
Gon glared at the two, watching them talk and seeing the one named Kurapika giggling.
'What could be so funny?' he thought.

"Oh and that one over there-"
Gon snapped out of his thoughts and turned to where Tonpa pointed. He pointed to a boy that seemed to be his age with white hair and holding a yellow skateboard.
"That's 99, Killua. He seemed your age so I thought I would mention him. I also met him just today."

"Killua…" Gon mumbled to himself. He didn't really expect to see another kid around his age to show up, but he was proved wrong.
He took interest in 3 people already.

"Hey what do you say about having a drink to a new found friendship huh?" Tonpa stuck one hand close to Gon, hoping that he would take the can.
"Oh sure! I should wash down the rice I just had." Gon smiled and took the can, making Tonpa grin wider, but then quickly turned into a fearful frown when he took a look behind the boy
Gon got confused while opening the can and turned around in curiosity.

"I don't think you should drink that, my fruit~"
Hisoka said with a close eyed smile.
Gon noticed that there was another presence beside him so he turned and saw a creepy man with pins all over him.

"Oh hi Hisoka! Is this your friend?"

Tonpa widened his eyes now knowing that Gon was associated with the creepy clown. He smiled nervously with sweat frantically running.

"I made a friend too! His name-" Gon turned back to where Tonpa would have been but seeing nobody there.
"Oh where'd he go?"

"Don't worry about him, Gon~ I have someone I would like you to meet."
Hisoka grabbed the can that Gon got from Tonpa and crushed it, making Gon pout since he was feeling a bit thirsty.

"Hello. I am Gittarackur."
The man covered in pins introduced himself and stuck his hand out for Gon to shake.
"Hi! I'm Gon! It's nice to meet you, Gittarackur."
He gladly shook his hand.
He didn't seem to bother how creepy the man in front of him looked. He seemed fascinated like how fascinated he was when he first saw Bonolenov unwrapped and revealing the holes he had in his body.

"Awwww c'mon Illumi~ Why don't you actually introduce yourself to him huh?" Hisoka teased, making Gittarackur seem annoyed even though he kept his smile.
"You know I can't do that here."
"Aw I know~"
"Illumi?" Gon tilted his head in confusion.

Gittarackur squinted his eyes at Hisoka making the jester smile even more.
"It's no fun being the only one knowing~ I told you about Gon so no worries"
"I suppose." Gittarackur sighed and turned back to the confused Gon.
"Sorry for the confusion. I am actually Illumi Zoldyck. The eldest son in the Zoldyck family. I am disguised so when I am in this form, I would like you to refer to me as Gittarackur."

Gon looked at the disguised Illumi in awe.
"A Zoldyck! That's so cool! I heard so much about you guys from my brother!"
Hisoka giggled at the boy's reaction while the other stared at him.
"Your brother?"
"Mhm! He said you guys are no joke. You are the strongest people out there!"
"Who is your brother, may I ask."
"Uhh umm" Gon looked up at Hisoka not knowing if he should say since he was told to not speak of the Phantom Troupe once they stepped foot in the area.
Hisoka nodded meaning that it was okay.
"Um well do you know Chrollo? The leader of the Phantom Troupe?" Gon whispered nervously.
"You are related to him?"
"Oh no no no! I just consider him as a brother that's all."

Illumi nodded in understanding and didn't say another word to the boy.
As they stood there making conversation, they felt shaking. Shaking from the wall ahead of them rising, revealing a tall man with pink hair and a mustache.
The man introduced himself as Satotz, the first examiner.
The exam was soon to begin.
They were all ordered to follow him, which was simple enough, to the second phase.

"Alright Gon, just keep pace with everyone else and there will be no suspicion."
He said to himself, stretching before the first test began.

The people ahead started walking and that was his que to move along.

Secret Spider (Phantom Troupe! Gon)Where stories live. Discover now