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"Gon, we're waiting" Shizuku poked her head in the room that Gon was in.
"Coming Shizu!"

Gon slipped his arm through his backpack that was given to him from Pakunoda.
It was a green backpack that matched his hair tips. It had a few pins that were given to him from his friends.
One of a skull, a frog, a spade, and others that made the troupe think of him.
He walked out the damaged room and headed to where the others would be.

Hey Hey!" Gon waved, earning smiles from the other members.
"There he is!" Uvogin scooped the boy up and placed him on his shoulder while laughing.
"You ready?" Phinks looked at the boy.
"You bet! I won't have a thought about my hatred startiiiiing now!" Gon snapped.
Uvo put him down and Gon stood in front all of them, except Chrollo and Hisoka.
"Oh yeah here!" Shalnark reaches into his pocket and takes out a phone.
"I always had to carry this for you since you aren't really careful." He says, opening the green backpack and placing the device inside carefully.

"I forgot I had that, but I can still be in touch with you all when I'm over there!" The boy smiled.
"To an extent okay?"
"Oh right. I'll try though! Thanks!"
"Remember what we taught you kid" Phinks ruffled Gon's hair.

Gon bid farewell to each of the members and made his way to the entry, seeing Chrollo and Hisoka waiting.
"I'll be waiting outside~ Don't take too long" Hisoka walked outside, leaving Gon and Chrollo alone.

Chrollo bent a knee so that he could be at the same height as Gon and face him at eye level.
"Gon, right when you take a step inside the exam, you know nothing of the Phantom Troupe. Don't give people the idea that you have any part of us alright?"
Gon nodded with a neutral look.
"Mmm but Chrollo, that's going to be hard. There are people wanting to kill us and it would be easy to take them out right there." The boy kicked his foot and looked to the side away from his Danchou.
Chrollo smiled and rested his head on the little Spider's head.
"Ignore them. It's normal for us and you know that."
"I guess so. I'll be back right when I pass!"
"We'll be waiting."

Gon gave a quick goodbye hug to Chrollo and ran outside meeting up with Hisoka.
"Alright my fruit, just stick with me~"

"Not too close." Gon smiled nervously, not wanting the magician to do anything to him.
"Wha- wait where's the food? I thought you ordered meat?"

Gon and Hisoka were in a small room inside a restaurant. They were taken to the back after Hisoka ordered a specific order making Gon hungry.

"Silly, that's the password~" The jester rested his head on his arm facing the boy.
"Awww what? I actually really wanted to taste it." Gon lowered his head against the table, pouting.

Later there would be a small ding making Gon look up and watching as doors opened.
The two of them walked out the room and were inside a cave-like area.

"I'd expect there to be more people."
Gon looked around the new environment and only found a few contestants waiting.
The few contestants glared at the new competition. Ones that looked at Hisoka glared with caution but ones that eyed Gon looked at him with grins, clearly underestimating the boy.
"We came early, so we are going to wait as well" Hisoka took a number tag that a bean-like creature was handing him and soon headed to Gon.
"Here is your tag! Make sure you have it with you at all times!" With that, he walked away.

"45? Geez we really did come early."
Gon read his tag while walking to a spot with Hisoka.
They sat against a wall and Gon went inside his backpack to find something to eat.
"Is your friend here?"
"I haven't seen him so I suppose he isn't here yet"
"What does he- Gasp! Pakunoda I love you!" Gon took out two wrapped rice balls with glee and hunger knowing that Paku was responsible. He quickly unwrapped one and started to chow down and smile due to the flavor.
"Here." Gon stuck out one in front of Hisoka as he gladly took it and ate it as well.
While they sat patiently waiting, more people would be making their entrance inside the area. There were few that looked capable of passing while others looked hopeless.

Secret Spider (Phantom Troupe! Gon)Where stories live. Discover now