Chapter 13

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(Chrollo POV)

After I let Kurapika leave I was starting to second guess letting him go on his own. The reason I am rather nervous is because of the way he is and the fact that there is a chance he could decide not to come to the meeting or even pull something as well but luckily even if he did run away and didn't come I could track him down using the nen spell I put on him and bring him back to the base by force if necessary. If I'm being honest when I think back I think he might have been planning something or someway to escape and the moment I thought of that I realized something. When I removed ring off his finger it aided him in his plan to escape and also I realized something else this whole time he was planning stuff and we never noticed. I felt like such an idiot in that moment. I shouldn't have let him go on his own cause now he is somewhere out there and is mostly likely taking this time while he is not with us to plan and get away. I just sat down and decided to rest while thinking this through and also how I was going to get him to corporate with us and how I was going to bring him back. All these thoughts were in my head as I fell asleep that night.

Three weeks later

There's officially one week left before the troupe is supposed to regroup and I was worried this Kurapika wasn't going to show up and thus would be a big issue especially since he plays a big part in the mission and it's success. The reason he plays such a big part is restraining the guests there and making sure they don't cause any havoc but not only that but using his judgement chain is what I'm pretty sure it's called to keep them in check and if they spill any information then they will die of there is any survivors. Also his strength will be useful too and his smarts to that would be useful as well on the success of the mission. Although one thing will be the most useful of all is the fact that he is connected to the mafia so in other words he can get in easily and he already has there trust so with us disguised there is a chance he could get us in without having to force our way in which would be very useful so we won't create a disruption. I'm just hoping he actually shows up so I don't have to track him down but once again I can't the idea out of my head that he created a plan to escape and won't show up this idea is still in the back of my mind but at the moment I can't focus on tugs for now my main objective is to prepare for the rest of the troupe to show up and the mission so I stand up and m disappear into the shadows of the room.

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