Chapter 8

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(Chrollo POV)

I watched as everyone walked away although Kurapika seems like he's had quite the temper and he seems very angry and annoyed so decide to follow him and when he finally stops i approach him and was about to tap him on the shoulder when he grabbed my hand and said in a stern voice and dominant voice "don't touch me." I was taken back a little bit about his dominant he sounded there and not only that his tone was bitter and had venom in it but also had not fear in it and was stern and assertive. I then said to him "well now that I got your attention what made you so angry?" He replied
"None of your business and to be honest you should already have an idea about what made and still am angry" he then started walking away however I grabbed his wrist and held it very tightly. He winced a tiny bit cause of how tight I was holding it and I said to him in my own stern and assertive voice "do not give me attitude you know the consequences and i thought I already told you not to snap back at me like this either." But even with my stern voice he didn't waiver and decided to say back "well I don't care what you do to me cause it won't change my mind and just to let you know even if you follow through with those threats just know you will only fuel my fire more and i won't just submit to you so don't think that I will just listen to you cause I'm just not this type of person and no matter what you do to me I won't break and no matter what my resolve won't break either cause doing any of this threats will only strengthen my resolve so just know try any of those and see what happens." He then yanks his hand out of my grip and walks away. I think to myself damn that was hot and that's another thing about him I love. I love the way this even when life gets tough and many obstacles come his way he won't give up and he keeps fighting and his resolve is  something else too it's the strongest resolve I have ever seen and the way he spoke and also the fact his eyes were glowing such a beautiful scarlet with Rhys determined and strong look of resolve it makes me want to make him mine even more and I can't wait for the day when he is mine.

(Kurapika POV)

As I was walking away I thought to myself I'm done playing nice and trying to earn his trust and I'm also done being silent and doing anything I thought that if I stayed silent and tried to play nice even a little by now he would at least make it so that I can use my nen at most even under constant supervision but how foolish of me to think that way I should have known from the start this there is no way he would do that he finally caught me and made me apart of troupe and I doubt that he would just let me it be able to use my nen knowing what I was capable of so I should have known from the start that it wouldn't be so easy to escape without doing it by force. I was walking around about to head in my room when I see his so with determination I walked on and looked around and saw it looked nice then mine but one thing Rhys really caught my eyes was looked like a special bottle i looked and it read "for removing tattoos" I realized I can use this to remove the spider tattoo so I took a small water bottle I had and pored some in so I won't steal the whole bottle. I put it done exactly as I found it and looked around a little more to see if there is something I can use to remove the ring but sadly I saw nothing but at least I found that bottle so I can remove the spider tattoo but i decided now is not the best time and so I went back to my room and but water bottle down for now and went to bed hoping to at least get some form of sleep even if it's not the best one and so with a lot on my mind and me feeling exhausted I feel into darkness.

Sorry this took so long to post I was busy getting homework done and I was on writer block for tiny bit trying to decide what to write so yeah any peace ✌️ till next time.

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