Chapter 12

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(Kurapika POV)

After me and my friends eventually calmed down I decided to make us something to eat. I went into the kitchen and got the ingredients to make some soup that is actually a recipe from my clan. After I finish cooking I add the last finishing touches to it and put it on the table. When I looked in the living room I saw Gon and Killua playing videos games on my TV and Leorio watching them and I giggled at the sight as Gon lost to Killua and shouting "no fair you cheated!" Killua said " no I didn't I'm just better then you" then those two started arguing and I just watched and smiled cause it felt like old times. I then said to all of them "dinner's ready!" They all stopped what they were doing and Gon and Killua ran to the table meanwhile me and Leorio just walked to the table and took out seats. I said to them " this dish is actually rather special cause is a recipe my mom made for me when she was still alive so I guess you can say it's a recipe from my clan" Gon said "cool!" Then everyone just started eating and after we finished eating Leorio commented "that was really good Pika!" I smiled and said "thanks Leorio." I then took the dishes and put them in the sink to wash later. So after hanging out for a little while we all decided since it's been awhile and also cause of the situation they all decided to stay with me. At first I insisted that this don't need to do that and thus I will be done on my own they decided other wise incase the spiders were to come here they can help me fight them off. At this point I decided that there is no point in arguing with them cause I won't change there mind so we all headed off to bed won't me in my room, Gon and Killua sharing one couch and Leorio on the other one.

3 weeks later

It's been officially nearly one month I have fallen into my original schedule which I was happy about and meanwhile Gon, Killua and Leorio were staying with me which actually made me happy cause I have my friends with me and I wasn't alone at home so it kinda made me feel like we were a family but I also know the one month deadline is approaching soon which also means unless I go back to the base at the end of this week then Chrollo will hunt me down and drag me back by force which I don't care what happens so me but it's my friends I was worried cause he and the spiders might attack them and I don't want that so for there safety it would be best if I listen but at the same time I have my own plan to take them down. Me and my friends have been taking about it for a while and after some discussing we came up with a plan to take them down once and for all. We decided to take advantage of the fact that I will be with them so that means I will be close but after some discussing we decided this to bait them here even if it's just some of them or even just Chrollo I will go to a spot we selected I will just sit and wait for him or the spiders to show up then meanwhile Gon, Killua and Leorio will be nearby and if it's just Chrollo then I will be the one to fight him but if it's all of them or more then one then they will come and help me fight them off. I didn't want them involved in helping to catch the spiders cause I am strongly independent when it comes to my goals but I knew there was no convincing them so we have a plan and I was just hoping it worked cause I'm done dealing with the spiders and it's time I finish what I started.

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