Chapter 14

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One day before the meetup
(Kurapika POV)

Tomorrow is the day we finally launch the plan to defeat the spiders tomorrow and my heart is ponding inside my chest thinking about it cause I was thinning about all the things that could go wrong. My breathing speed up and I felt like it was hard to breathe and my eyes started turning scarlet as i was starting to feel very anxious about tomorrow I then felt a hand gentle hand on my shoulder and i heard someone say "calm down Pika don't worry it will work we will make sure of that I promise." I recognized the voice as Leorio and calmed down. My breathing went back to normal and my eyes turned back to there normal brown color and i felt my heart go back to its normal pace as well so I turned around and said to Leorio with a gentle smile on my face "thank you Leorio" and he lightly blushed and chucked nervously "s sure no problem." I giggled a tiny bit at the way he was acting. That's something I like about him no matter the situation he always finds someway to make me smile or giggle no matter how much I try not to be always finds some way to make me which I'm happy to have someone like him in my life. I then look at the time and realized that It's quite late at night and is already 9:00 and so I stood up and told everyone "it's time for bed." Gon and Killua pouted but went to the couch and laid down while I headed to my room and said to everyone "goodnight remember tomorrow is the day we do the plan so make sure to get good sleep incase you have to fight tomorrow." Everyone nodded and i then headed into my room and went straight to sleep after changing into my pj's.

(Chrollo pov)

At this point in time I am at the meeting spot and the first to arrive as usual because as the leader I need to make sure I come at least a day or too early before everyone else so this incase someone arrives early I am already here which in most cases tends to happen quite often. One person I am worried about not coming still is Kurapika. Over the time I got to know him more there is definitely somethings I noticed a lot him. For one thing he is incredibly stubborn, tends to be quiet when he doesn't feel like talking, will say what's on his mind and won't hesitate to do so, has a big temper and it can easily be set off and is not sacred on anything it seems like even me or the spiders. Even when I threatened him he still wouldn't listen or would fight back. I still want him though to be mine even if he does possess those attributes I still want him and no one will take him from me cause after all i am still the leader of the Phantom Troupe and whenever I want something I take it and make it mine to matter the cost.

Caught in the spiders web (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora