Chapter 5

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(Chrollo POV)

When I got back to the base after dropping my little cutie off at his apartment I went to my room and laid on my bed and kept thinking about him and his reaction to when he sees the spider tattoo on him and that thought made it so I got no sleep that night so the next day me and the troupe were talking when I told them I was going to head out for a little and pay the chain user a visit this will be fun. I then headed out and went to his apartment. When I got there i noticed no one was home so I assume he is at his job right now so i decided to just sit on his bed and wait for him but while waiting I read a book for a little bit. After waiting for a while I finally heard the front door open so I put the book down and waited for him to come in the room and finally after waiting about 5 minutes or so I see the door open and there I see the chain user standing there staring at me and I see his eyes turn scarlet and he summons his chains so I walk up to him and say "well what did you think of your little surprise" he replies back to me with some confusion and anger laced on his tone "what do you mean surprise and if you are talking about me seeing you in my room then no that is not a nice surprise at all" I smirked and said back "no I'm not talking about me I'm talking about the other thing from yesterday surely you saw it by now" I noticed his eyes turned even more scarlet then before but also he was very silent and was not saying a thing so decided to say do what i came here to do and that is tell him a important message so I said to him "being silent i see but that's fine cause it will make my job easier" he looked at me and was glaring at me. After a little bit I told him what I needed to although after I said what I needed to say he didn't seem so happy and said something back with attitude. To be honest I knew he was stubborn but I didn't think he was this stubborn so I decided i will have to take him by force and so I summoned by book and opened it to a page that has a nen ability that as long as I am within 5 feet of the person I can put them to sleep so I walk closer to him and say "well you have a choice in the matter" before I use the nen and put him to sleep. I walk up to him and touch his face and think wow his cheek is so smooth and also really soft and his hair is just as silky and soft as I thought it will be and I then also brush my hand on his eye lashes that are also long and luxurious. Overall he is the most person and treasure I have ever laid my hands on and I plan to keep him all to myself and not share him with anyone cause at the end of the day i am still a spider and thief and thief's like me take what they want and this case I am stealing him and making him mine so I carefully lay him on the bed while I find his bag in his room and pack his stuff for him so after that I carry his bag and him and leave through the window and head off towards the base and I smile and think to myself I finally have him the chain user is a spider and also will be finally mine and I smile at the thought and so with my cutie in hand and me smiling I go off and prepare for our newest recruit. 

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