CH 11: Skills Obtained

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As we walked to Camp Willie I listened to Jim drill both my mom and Lachelle's mom. He went on about sending us to camp to fit their own agenda without reading the fine print. It sounds like both our moms didn't read the activity section. No one is happy about the karate tournament.

"And  the other thing, why would you send your daughter to a conversion camp?" Jim continued his rant focusing more on Lachelle's mom. "Forget how mind damaging and trust killing that is, they don't fucking work. Also lesbians are awesome. Why? No accidental pregnancies and the STD rate is much lower."

Wait what?

"You both are blessed at the opportunity to raise children. Your job isn't to change them, but to guide them. If the worse choice Lachelle made in life is liking Alex then she's not as bad of a kid as you think." Jim concluded.

I looked over at my mom who was looking down as she walked. She just watched me obliterate a door of course she doesn't want to talk. On the other hand Lachelle's mom was now in a heated debate with Jim about parenting.

Lachelle walked ahead with Maindo in silence. Lachelle had her eyes glued to the schedule. I can tell from here that she is nervous.

She wants to win. The higher we go the more recognition Camp Maindo gets. There is a chance that after next year Maindo will have to close if we can't get him more campers. I know she wants to prevent that. I know she wants me to drop out. She doesn't want me to get hurt.

As we entered the arena the stands were filled with people supporting their team color red, blue or gold. Of course, there was no green.

I said my goodbye to mom and Jim. "Good luck kid." Jim whispered as he hugged me. Wait Jim just hugged me. Before I could question him, Jim walked over to give Lachelle a hug.

Lachelle hasn't talked to me since I kicked the door out. Maybe it's for the best. I don't know what to say.

"Ikari, Kioku." Maindo spoke grabbing our attention. "They do not want you two to face each other. That's not out of respect for the camp. It's common for participants from the same camp to fight each other in the later rounds." Maindo explained. "So make plans to see each other in the finals."


I looked over at Lachelle. When her eyes met mine I understood why she was nervous. She wants to face me. She wants to put on a show.

"Ikari Koi." Maindo Sensei ordered. I watched as Lachelle walked to her boxing ring. She was at the one further to the right. She matched up against a girl from Camp freedom. My eyes drifter to the male contender from Camp Freedom, who was currently matched up against Keith. As soon as both boys finished their bows Keith punched the Camp Freedom Kid in the face causing the kid to fall on his back.

"Knock out!" The ref by Keith yelled.

The smirk on Keith's face made me unease.

"Point!" The ref by Lachelle yelled. I'm not sure what happened but the girl from Camp Freedom was also laying on her back. Unlike the boy from Camp Freedom the girl stood back up.

"It's the best of three Kioku." Maindo explained. "As long as you don't get knocked out you'll be okay."

"Yes Sensei." I'll be up sooner than later.


"Welcome to the Lake Nyrae Karate Tournament. Where Four Camps compete for bragging rights; or is there more to the tournament that meets the eyes." The robotic voiced announced. 

Lachelle ended up winning her match. Meaning I was now up. I walked passed Lachelle to the boxing ring. I heard her whisper. "Please be careful."

"Would you like to unlock your skills?" My robotic friend voice inside my head asked me. Skills? Sure!

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