Ch 3: First Night as Kioku

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"Do you want to accept your quest? Yes or no." 

Since I could remember when I would get really stressed I envisioned my life as a video game. I would hear this robotic voice that surprising brought me comfort. So, I am not surprised that I am hearing it now. 

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Start at Maindo Camp. Group Kioku.

Maindo means mind. Kioku means memory.

I don't have a memory problem. I have a focusing problem. I was already on the bus towards Maindo Camp. You sign in and go to the group of your choosing.

When I arrived at a camp there were signs everywhere. There were signs that read outdoor athletics, water events, and even cooking. Mom said this was a camp to test the mind, body and soul.

It doesn't look like it.

Once I find my group they will program the month schedule in my phone. There was a lot of people here. What were the counselors wearing again? Who are these people again? Where am I again?

I looked at my phone. Where am I supposed to be? Maindo Camp.

I looked at the main camp sign. It read Camp Willie.


I quickly ran back on the bus. "Can you take me to Maindo Camp?" I asked the bus driver.

"Nobody has been there in years kid. Are you sure that's the right camp?" The bus driver questioned.

Honestly, no I wasn't. I softly nodded though. Mom programmed the information in my phone. It seemed legit.

I made sure to get off at Maindo Camp this time. I traveled through this bamboo path to this cabin. I gently knocked on the door. An elderly Asian man answered the door. He nodded to my presence.

"Hi, I'm Alex. I'm in the Kioku group." I tried my best to pronounce that word correctly.

"Maindo." The elderly man said.

Ah, its his camp. He pointed to me. "You're Kioku."

Who? I followed him as he motioned me inside. "Ikari." Maindo called. I looked around the place. The room was lit with only a fire place. It was dark but warm.

I was hit with a strong sent of vanilla. I turned to see. Lachelle? There's no way.

She was wearing white shorts and a pink tank top. Her hair was wet and down and she was currently drying it with a towel. She has more feminine features than I can even imagine of having. "Yes Sensei." She didn't notice my presences. I honestly stopped breathing at the sight of her. It wasn't fear this time.

She looks amazing and I looked homeless.

"Kioku." Maindo said as he pointed to me.

Lachelle looked over and raised her eyebrow at me.

I closed my eyes. If I can't see it coming it won't hurt that bad. She's going to kill me this summer. She beat the hell out of four kids man. I'm bound to get a beating.

"Please make her feel at home." Maindo spoke. "Misery loves company." Maindo bowed to me before leaving the room. I bowed back of course because that's what they do on T.V.

Once Maindo left the room I immediately grabbed my left arm where Lachelle burned me.

She slowly walked up to me. I have her on height and weight, but she beat the hell out of four kids. I watched as she removed my hand off the burn mark. She rolled her eyes at me.

She then pulled me into a room. The room had a decent size mattress and a T.V. "This is my room." Lachelle informed me. "Hang out in here until I figure out where Maindo Sensei wants to put you."

A Special Summer (GxG)(ONC 2021)Where stories live. Discover now