"Ohh common on don't say that. You said you will give me chocolate and you are not caring to talk now" khushank hissed

"Bring my bag" I said but he thrown my pen and searched for chocolate in my bag.

I ignored and turned to concentrate on my work while keeping earphone but vikky grabbed it.

"What now" I asked irritatingly

"Why you want earphone. You don't listen to song when you immersed in your work.

You know I removed your phone connection long back when I came from tution. But you didn't even react means you are not listening.

I don't know why you put a song at start and won't listen at end" he asked but I ignored and continued with my work.

May be I'm too weird because while writting or reading. I listen to songs sorry sorry only one song and it repeats continuously. I don't know when concentration took toll on me that I will forget about the song which is playing.

Sometimes I don't even know when phone got switched off due to lack of charging or when earphone slipped.

I believe that while listening to specify one song and try to do some work, it will help in concentration.

Because there will be no change in words or music which is playing to deviate and it helps not to let anything into our head which is happening around.

"Eat" vikky put chocolate near my mouth to have it while breaking my thoughts.

I happily ate while doing my assignment.

Alas finally, I completed my assignment.

"Go and wash your hands and come.

Will have dinner" mom said amd we went to wash out hands.

We had our dinner together in peace and slept and prayed not to invade my space with thoughts.


I never thought at least once that I will surrender to someone in my life. I don't know how and when but all I wanted is to listen to her and take any decision and somewhere in my heart I knew she respect my decision. All I should do is respect her words that she supports me in everything.

We didn't officially together yet we choose each other and listen to everything.

"Sid bhaiya, pass the ball" co-player applied a break to my thoughts.

Right now I'm at basketball court and practicing for fest. At any cost I need to get a cup in this as I want to stop playing after this and till now we are best and we are winners. I even played outside the college too and some tournaments that mom stored my success prints in a room safely. That now I want to put full stop instead of comma to my sports life that doesn't mean I will stop playing but I won't participate in anything. Not only me even vivek decided same and the reason is our career.

We want to build our own career before we enter into this world as heir of our individual company.

above all this I'm worried about my doll.

I don't know who is behind this.

I don't know what they want.

But one thing is clear that it's not vishaka who is behind this then who...?? now it became big puzzle.

I agreed with siya as she showed and how she tackle the video and proof but I can't trust someone who is eager to hurt her or my loved ones. if they have any grudge then they should deal with me but they are targetting my loved one. i may be quiet now but i wont leave anyone of them.

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