The Prince And His Imp

Start from the beginning

"We?" Moxxie said, narrowing his eyes. "Sir, this is a time for couples. As in, just Millie and me. Neither of us is in a relationship with you. And before you say anything about wanting that three way-" Blitzo silenced him by shoving hot noodles into his mouth, which made the smaller imp's eyes start to water before he rushed for the nearby sink faucet.

"Oh, come on! Any couple can have a special date whenever they want. I've always wanted to go back to Dis Vegas! We can make it a family trip and-"

"Actually, Blitz, I got a date for that day," Loona said plainly.

A snap went off in Blitzo's head as his pupils turned tiny upon hearing the word "date" come out of Loona's mouth. Moxxie had just returned from the sink with his mouth still smoking from the hot food when Blitzo, enraged that his precious baby girl was being stolen by some boy, flung his arms out in a rage and knocked Moxxie into a wall upon contact.

"WHAT?!" Blitzo shouted so loud that some of the other building offices heard this but shrugged upon realizing who it was again. "You're going out with some guy?! A boy! A filthy penis wielding, STD carrying, pregnant making, heartbreaking, disrespecting, using you like a crumpled tissue BOY?!"

"Blitz, he's my age," Loona said, deadpan. "I doubt he can be called a boy."

"Who is he?! Is it that Vortex guy?! I swear I'll neuter him before mounting his head and his ass to the wall if he so much as touches you!" Blitzo vowed while clenching his fists in the air.

Loona growled before knocking her fist into Blitzo's face. "Ugh, will you chill already?! He's one of Vortex's friends that I met at a hound party. He's not a monster, and he's actually in college studying music."

"You're dating an intellectual?" Millie asked in disbelief.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Loona asked, glaring at Millie, who put her hands up.

"Nothin', just didn't figure ya for likin' the smart type," Millie answered.

"I don't care if he's a college boy or the son of a prince! You are not dating any boys until-"

"Sir, just let her be. I mean, she's an adult, and, as much as she can be irresponsible at times, she does have a somewhat good head on her shoulders," Moxxie said, getting up and dusting himself off. Blitzo turned to look at Moxxie in disbelief since he and Loona couldn't stand each other most of the time. Even the hellhound was surprised to see Moxxie coming to her defense. "Much as I can respect you trying to protect her, you are, as with Millie and me, trying to get too involved in our lives. Especially on a day where we want to have fun without you ruining it. Again ."

"... You're talking about last year's Valentine's Day, aren't you?" Blitzo asked, nervously to which everyone nodded. "Okay, I admit that fires were my fault, but I was not the one who unleashed the zoo animals into the streets! That was totally not my fault!"

"Regardless, Blitz, I think I speak for everyone when we say we want to be alone for Valentine's Day," Moxxie stated, folding his arms.

Blitzo quickly turned to the girls, who were both nodding in agreement. Blitzo shook with rage for a brief second as a pained expression appeared on his face, which was barely caught by the others. Before they could say anything, their boss grabbed his lunch and turned away from them. "Fine! Enjoy your stupid holiday! I'll just have fun on my own, and it will be ten times more fun than being with you losers!"

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