I dont know...

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        "To all the so-called good girls who whimper at the idea of  morally grey men worshipping the ground they walk on"

Monday Morning 5:30 am

The sun's golden petals stretched out, casting their radiant beams over the tangerine mountains, while the early morning dew shimmered like a pearl. As the nascent rays danced on the dew, they left a trail of vibrant colors in their wake.

Amidst this picturesque scene, a man of 5'8" with a sculpted figure and straight eyebrows gazed down, his long eyelashes casting shadows over his delicate ears and button nose. Plump strawberry lips graced his face, and his beautiful brown eyes remained fixed on the jogging track ahead. Instead of music, he embraced the harmonious melodies of nature – the birds' chirping and the absence of man-made disturbances.

Today, he ventured along an extended jogging route, lost in his thoughts. At last, he reached the cliff's edge, where he stood gazing down. As sweat trickled down his chin, his porcelain-white skin shimmered in the warm embrace of the rising sun's rays.

*Flashing memories from two yrs back...

"Aera! Aera!" His voice cracked, desperation etched in every scream. "I'm begging you, please don't..." His words were accompanied by heart-wrenching screams and pleas, a desperate chorus of sorrow.

*end of flash back*

All the blood left his body and rushed to his eyes which were now bloodshot ,tears continuously cascading down his marshmallow cheeks and cutting down through his sharp jawline,fists clenched nails digging into his palms ,heart beating at an inhumane speed,causing difficulty in breathing,nails piercing through his skin in an attempt to even out his breathing.

"Jimin, i told you to not come up ..."
A tall young man with a concrete jaw and pitch black hair moving like prairie grass as he tried to even out his breathing ,running after the blonde,as he lifted his gaze up he saw the blonde breathing unevenly.

"Jimin! Jimin!! Hey, look at me. Breathe in and out... okay, in and out, copy my brea-" The black-haired man's voice was calm and reassuring as he tried to gently turn Jimin towards himself.

Jimin, though still struggling with his breathing, raised his hand, signaling him not to touch. With eyes tightly shut, he began inhaling through his nose and exhaling deeply through his mouth, following a rhythm that gradually brought his racing heart under control.

"AERA..." The name slipped from his plump lips like a long-lost melody, echoing through the past and conjuring the haunting memories of that tormented day.

As the name reverberated in his ears, his vision blurred, and his legs threatened to give way. He felt on the precipice of being swallowed by the solitude that had often offered solace in times of distress. However, the angelic figure beside him caught him in that fragile moment. Perhaps, Jimin's train was not lost but on a winding journey to a serene valley adorned in golden hues and a ground painted in a kaleidoscope of colors.


"No, I'm not doing it," declared the man with crescent moon eyebrows above his sharp, sapphire eyes, which held an edge of darkness. His imperious nose and chiseled cheekbones gave him a commanding presence as he gracefully made his way toward the couch. His voice was as calm and unhurried as his movements.

"I haven't even said anything, so how can you have already made your decision?" The man seated on the sofa across from him expressed disbelief.

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