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I don't complain a lot
But my older sister has been getting on my nerves lately
oh you can do the laundry by yourself!
No that's not the point
It's our laundry
Not mine
And lately She's been making me take out her plate get her things for her let the cats out
Walk up to the TV when the remotes like a foot from her get things from her keyboard which is right next to her fucking bed
She showers daily now so guess who's least looked upon in that? I haven't showered since Tuesday of last week.
And she locks me in a closet for half the time I'm home everyday for the past week like and I'm really mad
I'm not her slave
And also I have to do laundry.

MY RANDOMNESS BOOK PART 2.0 CANT STOP THE RANDOMWhere stories live. Discover now