Srs talk stuff yoy dont have to read not rlly important just a rant thing

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A word that probably has ruined my life on many occasions
But that word there's really not a worse thing you can say to me.
Is like a ghost that'll haunt me for the rest of my life
Actually tho some people will never know how much it hurts
To be laughed and made fun of and singled out from everyone else because you act differently to be glared at laughed at made fun of everytime I hear that word I just cringe or I feel tears in my eyes
It's the worst thing you can say to me because I just can't explain its like its almost as if it has some deeper meaning to it
After all I've only been to seven different schools and only all seven times has that been the thing that hurts the most.
It's funny how common something can be
I fucking looked it up
It's normal human reaction for people to call me that
it's expected for that to happen
For me to be singled out
Can you even comprehend how heart crushing that is?
I'm built to be singled out from everyone else so yeah I say stupid things on Wattpad but people think I'm stupid and immature
But never once
Has anyone used that word against me on here
But I walk out
And it's like now that I'm not in PE anymore I don't really get called that anymore in school
But still that doesn't change the fact it happens every time.
Sure I have friends but at the same time most of the time when I'm with the people in my current classes it just doesn't even really feel like I'm really there I just kinda am.
Anyways I don't know why I'm saying this I just am. Some things were meant to be said
Or in this case types sense I can't speak for crap.

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