More rant shit

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More rant shit feel free to ignore this.

What the hell am I supposed to do
I don't do anything get screamed at
Tries to help out more
Also gets screamed at because I just got hit punched and kicked repeatedly by a bratty five year old And I'm supposed to do something about
I'm sorry I got older sister once like I was supposed to
And she told him
Be good.
And that didn't work
And if I got her again it would be like you should be able to watch him this is your fault your the reasons behind the actions of another individual human child.,
So I went and just tried to ignore it because you know what he's being a brat and did nothing but hit and kick me for fourty minutes which is alarming how dedicated he was to doing this for reasons I don't even know and you know so I'm sorry I've gotten tired of watching people scream and be aggressive over they years and I don't wanna bite my head off at a five year old because he's being bad I'm sorry I don't believe in hitting a child as hard as you possibly can to make them behave or screaming at them till your satisfied because it's not me okay?
And lately it's just like
Hi your having an emotional time right now have more issues and why were at it lets make all emotional hell happen in one of the few things you enjoy in life at the same time
Like I just don't get it anymore and lovely now I have an D in science I can't even breathe right now cause I'm that much of wreck.
I'm sorry I realize I've been ranting a lot lately it's just stressful and I have no idea what to do.

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