I am so sorry

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I've been thinking I might just delete my account I mean like I love wattpad to death and all but a lot of comments and what not are just screaming at me to update And with a few people it's really polite and respectable and with others it just....and it makes me feel bad I don't do it like I used to and honestly
I'm sorry I haven't really updated. this year as been hell you have no idea how chaoctic this year was for me I'm really sorry taht I haven't done anything but draw but lemme tell you something A lot of the time I draw just to relieve stress tbh and and even sometimes ive been to stressed to even do that I just sit in bed and cry about how hard I'm failing. I would love to get back into writing like I used to and believe it or not I'm trying really hard it's just a lot happened and I'm sorry it wasn't in my control its my fault for being scared and helpless I've even had some arguments and gone through some things that literally felt like my entire soul had been crushed and I just feel so stripped down of things like dignity and pride ( Still feel that way tbh ) But I'm sorry I haven't done much and it's just I feel like even if I do go back to updating all I'm going to get is complaints
I'm really sorry I've been neglectful I had ally of really personal things happen a lot of them I haven't even told anyone just life is hard okay? I'm sorry and I'm not sure what to do I feel like I screwed up on this like I have with everything else recently and I'm truly sorry. And if I do delete everything I had a lot of fun and thank you all you all mean a lot to me and I'm terribly sorry I messed up I'll think about it some more thought once again sorry and That's all I have to say for now.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 17, 2015 ⏰

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