Series Finale Part 1

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Y/N: It's been a while since we defeated Hans. Things have gone back to normal since then. Kazuma right now is trying to prove that I don't need to be around the party all the time, so I took the extra free time to train with Master Freyja today. Right now, we just got done with a practice duel, so she offered for me to take a break by playing her in a game of chess.  

Freyja: "Y/N, may I ask you a question?"

Y/N: "Ask away. I'm kind of stuck on this move anyway."

Freyja: "Are you aware of something called the Keyblade War?"

Y/N: "That depends, is there anything that happened here that I should know?"

Freyja: "Let me hear what you know first."

Y/N moved one of his pieces, then went on to begin speaking.

Y/N: "From what I understand, the Keyblade War started a really long time ago over the ownership of light, but that didn't happen here."

Freyja: "The answer you gave is a yes and no," 

She respond, a thumb on her chin as she looked at the chessboard. 

Freyja: "You see, the war that you mentioned did take place, but I'm surprised that you're aware of it, considering that in this reality, there was an entirely different Keyblade War." 

Y/N: "Yeah, I kinda figured that there'd be some sort of catch to my answer-"

He snapped his head back up at Freyja as his brain finally processed what she just said to him.

Y/N: "Hang on, you said 'this reality' like there's more than one." 

Freyja: "Yes, were you not aware of this before?" 

Y/N: "Well..."

Freyja: "Alright, how about this," 

Freyja moves another piece. 

Freyja: "Tell me every realm that you know of right now." 

Y/N: "Sure."

Y/N was back to staring at the board at the same time as he gave his answer. 

Y/N: "There's the realm of light,  realm of darkness, the realm between, and the sleeping worlds." 

Freyja: "And naturally, you assume that you're from the realm of light, correct?"

Y/N: "Yeah, I don't see why I wouldn't be."

Freyja: "I see, though I can understand why you'd believe so." 

Y/N: "Alright, I'm listening." 

Freyja: "First may I know where you're from before you arrived from your world?"

Y/N: "Japan." 

Freyja: "And how did you come from your Japan to this world?"

Y/N: "Well... Let's just leave at I died there, then I was allowed to be brought back to life here." 

Freyja: "How interesting..."

She nods her head to herself. 

Freyja: "It seems like your spirit somehow managed to crossover into this other reality."

Y/N: "So what's this reality business have to do with anything?" 

Freyja:  "The side of reality we're in right now exists in neither the realm of light, nor the realm of darkness. And as you can tell, This world isn't trapped in sleep either." 

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