Chapter 25: Journey V

Start from the beginning

You quickly got off from the window and continue walking toward Raven while Smelling the food that she was cooking. She notice you with you eyes glue towards the item that you were making.

"Hey kid, whats you got their?" She ask while stoping what she was doing.

You look towards her and shrug "I dont know..when we went to town to get some supplies i saw a kid giving it to her friend" You reveal it to be a Rocky necklace with a Red jewel into the front.

"Impressive.." She said looking at the Necklace

"Keep it" You said giving it to her getting her to be suprise by it. While you went towards the kitchen table.

She was silent for a moment and staring at the gift that you just gave to her and then later stare back at you who you were staring back at the rain.

You smirk "Stupid kid" She said putting it in to her pocket while bringing the food on the table.


Opening your eyes slowly and noticing that everyone was fast asleep and remember that you took nightwatch while they rest up and you keep a look out for grimm, you were confuse you started to remember that time with Raven and was still more confuse on why she didnt told you she was a Criminal.

You sighed for a moment and notice that one of the tents was half open, and it was were Jaune and Cardin was sleeping. You got up from the ground and took a quick peak inside to later to notice that Cardin was missing.

A Sound of somebody swinging was heard getting you to look away from the tent and looking towards the direction on were the sound came from.

Walking towards the sound while it was getting louder and louder to later notice Cardin Swinging he's Mace while sweating.

You knew it might be something from earlier so its best to check if he's okay.

Cardin notice you and stop he's tranining "Oh hey.." He said getting you look at him.

"I Dont like to pry on other peoples life but i just wanted to check if everything ok." You said.

"I Just Couldnt all.." Cardin said while looking away and contining he's training.

You knew he wouldnt budge so you kept going for answers "So that bandit from earlier said he knew your it about that."

He stops and apperently you hit a bullseye, getting him to look at you for a moment while you smirk "I Am only asking cause i care for my friends" You said getting him to look down.

A Sigh escapes from him while looking back towards the direction where he was swigining "When i was a kid, my dad owned alot of Money cause of Gambling addiction and left my mother and i, on a Tight pickle."

You got comfortable and listen to he's story "Strange men came to our house to collect the debt and My father was trying to say that he'll pay the debt. But they wouldnt leave. My dad was sucessfull huntsmen before he's addicition my mom said."

"So after that, the Debt collectors wont take a no, so they took he's legs and the guy who abush us was one of them" Cardin said "After they hurt my father, they grab my mother and took her away for a full day, not knowing where she was."

"She came back bruised, and hurt, clothes rip. Coming into our house and started screaming at my father. She took me away from him and after that we lived in a shaddy house. My mom wouldnt say a word and said she doesnt wanted to know nothing about my dad."

"So after i was older, i dedicated my self to become stronger and proctect my mom, for awhile i wasnt afraid of nothing that i havent realize that i turn myself into a bully who hurts people not proctect them." He Said while turning to you "Then i met you, some kid who came out of nowhere having Oum knows Semblance. That makes him almost a god and wasnt afraid losing he's life."

"After everything i did you, kept on going and you easily accepted me as a friend. After that when i saw you in the hospital you were smiling and were unfaze by nothing..your parents must be proud of you." He said getting your turn to talk.

"I Dont have parents, i was born into a orphanage and was kick out since it was getting demolish. I Was raised by a unknown Huntress who gave me a second life and lend me her knowledge to become stronger but after our seperation, i found out something, that she didnt told me"

Carding looks at you "And if i find out that she is plotting something...i dont know if i have enough strength to beat her..after what she did to me..taking care of me and watching me grow up. i look up to her as a mother figure but now i might need to prepare myself for the outcome."

You said getting ready to leave but carding speaks. "Your not alone." He Bangs he's chest "If you need my help you know where to find me, and you need to remember that you got friends watching your back."

You smirk "Who would of thought Cardin Winchester trying to be cool" Cardin flips you off getting you to laugh "But thanks..Gets some rest we have a long road ahead of us."

You said walking off "Y/N Before you leave." Cardin said getting you to look at him "Will you do it again?"

"Do what again?" You ask.

"Sacrifice your own life for someone else is?"

You slightly look at you left and spotted Lily tent who she was sleeping with Coco and Velvet and makes you smile and looking towards Cardin "In a heart beat"

The Student of A Raven (Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now