Episode 11: Tom's Rhinoplasty. Part 1.

Start from the beginning

Nickolai - [Whispering.] "Oh come on. I'll be fine. And besides, I'll have Glitchy with me. Okay?" 'Glitchy?' Alex - 'I'm not sure. It might be his familiar. Like ours.' 'Hm. Hopefully.'

Damien - [Grumbling.] "Fine. But never lose him." [Glares.] "Got it?"

Nickolai - [Nods.] "Got it." He gave him one last hug before coming back over to us. "Okay, I'm ready to live with you guys." We all smiled, happy he's coming with us.

Papa - "Good, I'm glad you are. We can leave now so that you can get everything packed. Also, you will be getting your own room if you want. And you can decorate it however you want. But no fires or open flames. Unless Saya can say it's okay first. Okay?"

Nickolai - "None?"

Saya - "Yeah, please don't. I really don't want my family home to burn down. Okay?"

Nickolai - [Nodding.] "Oh, okay."

Alex - "They're right. But she can still put it out if it happens. Heck, I've actually lost count of how many times I set the kitchen on fire by accident haha."

Papa - "And let's not forget that she's still very mad about the last time. You killed one of her prized plants, and almost killed the others if she hadn't put it out in time."

Alex - [Nervous laughing.] "Heh heh, yeeeaah. I still feel really bad about that."

Nickolai - [A bit surprised.] "Wait, really?"

Saya - [Mad.] "Oh you bet your fucking ass I still am you fucking dick! Saya Chop!" I karate chopped Alex's head similar to Soul Eater.

] "Oh you bet your fucking ass I still am you fucking dick! Saya Chop!" I karate chopped Alex's head similar to Soul Eater

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Alex - [Whining.] "Sayaaa! That huuurt!"

Saya - [Mad.] "Good! It was supposed to!" Kenny ran over to me, and hugged me from behind. Stopping me effortlessly. *Sigh* I turned to him smiling softly and fondly. "It's okay baby, I'm calm now." We kissed after a few seconds. I heard Alex fake gagging. So I blindly kicked him.

South Park: The Four Marks Of Hope. A OCs & Soulmate AU. Season 1 (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now