Endings aren't always the end

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"You've got to get out of bed at some point" Rhys says. Since three nights ago Helion explained everything I haven't left my bed. It's not that I haven't processed what it means I have, this is just my mourning period. "Come on" he says pulling on the covers, I growl and swat his hand away with my foot. "Either you come out or I come in" he warns. "One" he counts and doesn't wait for two or three merely pounces on top of me crushing me. "Stop, I don't feel like having fun" I say pulling the blanket over my head. Rhys settles down in bed next to me seemingly no longer trying to force me from my blanket cocoon. "You know I have these dreams about this girl, human, but the most breathtaking person I've ever not seen" he says. "I think she is my mate, sometimes I worry if that I will die down here and never get the chance to meet her" he stares at the ceiling as though its the most fascinating thing in the world. I reach over and hug him "Lets mope together" I say. He wraps his arm around me saying "You know I'll find a way to stop this, I won't let you die" he grips me tighter, "Your the best friend I've had in a long time, we will get through this and when we do, I'll take you to see my home and my family they will love you". "You will meet her" I tell him "I will make sure of it, I will do everything I can to protect you both to protect all of you, even if that means I won't be here anymore". Rhys pushes away to look in my eyes furiously, "Don't say that!" he demands. "I told you, we will figure this out" he says trying to pull me back into another hug. I sit up against his wishes "We don't have time, either this power grows to the point of total consumption and kills me or Stryga comes to finish me off and collect her end of the bargain, either way I die. Besides if I don't that means everyone else will, I can't be that selfish." I finish getting out of bed finally for the first time in days. Rhys makes to contradict me but I stop him "Your right I can't lay in bed the rest of what is left of my life. If I'm going to die than there are some things that I would like to do first." Rhysand doesn't say anything this time, no demands to stop saying what I'm saying, or to keep the faith, he simply nods his head.

We make our way out to the mountain peak again and I walk the edge of the landing. "It hurts you know" I say "All this power bubbling up inside me begging to be released, it hurts holding it in". "Then don't" Rhys says. I take a minute to enjoy the quiet solitude at the top of the world and then I scream. I scream so loud I'm sure Cretea heard me. I scream out all the pain, anger, fear. All the horrible things I've learned and momentarily there is bliss. No more searing pain running through my veins like poison, no more worries about saving the world, just me and my pain acknowledging one another finally. Upon opening my eyes however, I become aware of the damage I have done. Several surrounding mountains have avalanches of snow and falling rock hurdling toward the ground which is now shaking beneath my feet. Rhysand grabs me knocking us both down as a large boulder falling above us narrowly avoids colliding with my head. "Come on, I think that's enough for today" he says looking worried. We make our way back through the tunnels as people frantically scramble in terror. I suppose they must have felt it too. Rhys guides me back to my chambers and leaves me there telling me he has things to check on. I listen only for the reason I am far to exhausted not to comply. My disease seems to be rapidly growing worse now the veins have reached all the way up to my neck. Soon I presume my entire body will be covered with it. I wonder how long it will take to reach my heart. I must be entranced in staring at the poisoned veins because I don't even hear her enter my room. "How bad does it hurt?" Amarantha asks from behind me. "Better for the moment, although I think those suffering avalanches and earthquakes may disagree" I joke stepping away from the mirror and pulling the sleeves of my shirt down. "I don't suppose you, we have much time left" she says taking a seat in a chair on the opposite side of the room. "No I don't suppose we do" I reply "Why did you really keep me here?" I ask her. Tears form in her eyes, "Your all I have left of her, and now I'm losing you too. Im sorry you hate me so much." I stand from the bed and walk towards her unclasping the locket and dropping it into her hand, "Here, I don't have much use for it anymore" I say. "Is there anything I can do, to make this easier for you?" she asks through tears. "Let Rhys go" I say voice hardened. "There are things you don't understand" she starts but I cut her off "He is my friend, one of the only ones I have, you will let him go or so help me I will climb back from my grave just to tear you a new one". She goes silent before saying, "Your just like her. She would be proud you know. Very proud of who you've become." I turn to walk back towards my bed but the room starts spinning and my world grows dark and before I know it I'm no longer in control of my actions. 

When I wake Amarantha has left my room and Rhys sits in a chair beside my bed. "What happened?" I ask. Rhys looks up and hauls me into his arms, "Oh my God your ok!" he grips me tighter, "We thought, I thought..." he trails off. "Im fine, just tired, I think from this morning" I say. Rhys looks sadly at me, "Bellamy it's been almost a week, we didn't think you were going to wake up." So much has happened these last few months and honestly I don't know how to process it all so I simply drag Rhys into bed with me and fall asleep aside my friend. 

A few days later I am finally released from bed rest and able to walk about once more. Not much has changed while I was out asides from a visit from the high lord of the spring court, Tamlin. Ive yet to meet him but am on my way. Amarantha had requested my presence to dine with them. We are to dine in her chambers and by the time I get there I am already worn out from the walk. Amarantha opens the door pulling me in gently. "Tamlin, this is Bellamy, my niece" she says beaming at him as though he is the sun that shines on her world. The blonde man glances at me in shock but does not question. "Hello Bellamy" a curt and short greeting from him. We begin eating in an awkward silence. Tamlin does not seem to like my aunt in the slightest. After about an hour of awkward conversation Amarantha, Tamlin and I make our way to the throne room. They talk about politics and other trivial matters with a dangerous undertone throughout the conversation as though there is so much more they each want to say to each other. Eventually it boils over to a breaking point, "You were never my mate simply my nightmare!" Tamlin screams at Amarantha as hurt covers her face. "You are young, soon our bargain will be up and you will have no choice" she spits at him voice hardened. I see Rhysand standing in the corner of the throne room watching from the shadows. "You will never have my heart nor my love" he tells her. "No my dear, but I will have you" she coos at him dangerously and his eyes bulge in horror. I don't notice until its too late, I feel a sharp pain in my chest and hear pained screams neither of which come from me. I begin to fall to the floor seeing Amarantha go to attack Tamlin. Before I hit the stone floor Rhysand is there holding me. 

Rhysand POV 

I hold her in my arms feeling her blood seep through her clothes onto my hands. I hear a gasp of pain and for a moment its as if time has stopped entirely. My brain finally registers the scene unfolding before my eyes. Bellamy collapses into my arms, the knife plunged into her chest. She grips at me in tiny desperate pleas, heaving out heavy breaths. I can't tell if the sound is one of pain but when I look to see her smiling face I really its laughter. Laughter floods out of her as she says, "Ow, fuck, that hurt" still smiling. She begins to laugh harder and a hardy cough interrupts her voice. Blood starts dripping from her mouth and I realize exactly what is happening. "not like this" I say through tears, "Not this way not now" I yell at the world. The whole mountain has gone silent in these moments as though all the air has been sucked from this place and a deafening emptiness has taken over. I look back at Bellamy only to notice the black poisoned veins are all but gone. "I did it" she huffs tiredly, smile as wide as ever and eyes filled with such hope. She must notice the pain in my eyes because she reaches up and cups my cheek gently with the palm o her hand. "Thank you for being the best friend I've ever had" she says as she begins coughing once again and more blood spills from her lips, her form begins growing cold and trembling. "This isn't how it was supposed to be, we were supposed to make it out together" I manage to say. "This is exactly the way it was always supposed to be, but I am sorry it hurts you so" her eyes begin to grow tired and she says "Say hi to her for me. See you on the other side buddy." Her eyes close one final time, and in a sudden instant I have lost my only friend here.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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