The misadventures of Bellamy and Rhys part 2

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I don't bother to finish the book instead using my time for a much more amusing purpose, for me at least. It takes me hours searching for Rhysand with no luck before I bump into her. My careless running knocks her over with me right behind. She stares at me from the floor with an unamused stoic expression. Not now, I nearly forgot where I was and who I was with today. I shrug non apologetically with a half hearted "Sorry" and continue my race to find my new frenemy. I finally make my way to a dark hallway without many doors at all. I slowly and quietly begin to open them slightly peering in to see if he is in there. I push open the third door as secretly as I can making sure the bucket doesn't fall from my grip. The room is dark with only the dim light of a fading candle in the corner, there he is sitting in a decadent armchair facing the now doused fireplace of dying embers and the faint smell of smoke. Slowly step by step I make my way up behind him, when I notice the slump of his shoulders and the muscles tense. Worry creeps in above my need for petty vengeance. "Are you ok?" I blurt loudly making him startle and turn my way. Anger and frustration are the only things present in his face, "What the hell are you doing here?" He asks standing and walking towards me. I stumble for words as his patience grows thin and his words become desperate. "What did you see?" he grits through his teeth shaking my shoulders. "I..... uh"I mumble looking down at the bucket of glue and goose feathers torn from my pillow. "I swear when I saw how sad you looked I wasn't going to do it" I say quickly. He looks down at the contents of my hands and with a sigh of relief releases my shoulders. A small bitter laugh escapes him, "This was my payback I assume?" he asks. Shaking his head his smile begins to fade, "Listen Im sorry I got angry with you its just" he struggles for words, "You can't come sneaking into my room" he finishes seriously. "Why?" I ask, "Do you have some deep dark secrets?" Another sigh and he gently guides me out of the room, "There are things you don't need to know" he says sadly. "Go on find one of your playmates, what was is? Tarquinn?" he jests. "Im not a child" I protest as he gently takes the bucket from my hands. "No" he says "but you are fun to irritate". No sooner do the words leave his lips when he drops the contents of the bucket on my head. "Good luck getting it out of your clothes" he says playfully retreating to his room clicking the lock in place.

I don't bother trying to get my payback today, the only thing I am concerned with is getting these feathers out of my hair. I make my way back through the tunnels gaining pitiful and bemused glances from onlookers. Unfortunately I have forgotten how I found Rhysand's room in the first place as if the memory slipped from my mind entirely. The only way I know to return to my quarters takes me right through the throne room. I stop before entering, hundreds of fae musing about I would be walking straight into social suicide. I contemplate taking my chances getting lost in the labyrinth of corridors although who knows what may lurk there. Finally In push my shoulders back and hold my head high. Not even two stepson and the crowd breaks out into laughter. I keep my gaze straight ahead of me ignoring the sound judgement. I nearly make it too, until she silences the gaggle of laughter with a flick of her wrist. "What in the hells happened?" She nearly shouts. I close my eyes silently praying for the strength not to kill her right here. Walking closer she says "Who did this?". I slowly turn to look at her exasperatedly, "Look as much as I love our conversations I would prefer to take a shower" I say gesturing to the mess on me. She grips my wrist ignoring the glue and feathers, "You are going no where until you tell me who is responsible for this" she demands, eyes steel. Taking a deep breath I brace myself, "You know you're right" I say putting a warm timid expression on my face. "Something terrible happened I could really use a hug" I say sweetly grabbing her into a hug effectively smothering her in the mess. "You know what, I feel a lot better" I say pulling away with a grin. "Lets do this again sometime" I suggest walking out of the throne room not bothering to look back and see any of there faces or hers the silence speaks volumes.

By the time I'm picking the last bits of glue from my hair my skin has already pruned from being in the tub for so long. I dunk my head under once again letting the lukewarm water wash over my face. I stay there for a moment basking in the feel of the water. A moment of peace in this dungeon kingdom. I lift my head back up blinking away the droplets from my eyes when I notice a figure standing in the doorway of the bathroom. I scream dunking back under the water. Although I try I can't stay under forever. Slowly I bring my head up to see Rhysand smirking with arms crossed still standing there. "Don't tell me you were going to drown yourself. Not after your oh so amusing performance in the throne room" he says with laughter in his voice. "Ugh" I mumble rolling my eyes making to return under. Rhysand's hand grips my hair gently hindering my attempt. "I was kidding he says as he releases me. He walks over covering his eyes holding a towel out. Hesitantly I take it stepping out and wrapping it around my body. "The shit you get away with" he mumbles shaking his head. "You know one day your luck is going to run out, I would be careful if I were you."I didn't take you for a coward" I spit exiting the bathroom without him. "All I am saying is that she, people, here are a lot more dangerous than you understand. You will get hurt if you're not careful." He calls trailing behind me. "If you think your new friends will be able to save you you're sorely mistaken. They couldn't even save themselves." I stop in my tracks as he quiets. "No one will help you Bellamy, there is no kindness here." I turn to him and walk right up to him. "What a cowardly way of looking at things. I pity you Rhysand, such little faith in the world. There are good people and all it takes is one good act to spark another." A moment of silence passes between us as we stare in contemplation neither of us moving. He sits on the edge of my bed and hangs his head in his hands. "How?" he asks quietly. "What?" I say standing still. "How do you see things that way?" he asks in earnest. "I do so because it is right, decent, but above all because it is kind. I might not make a difference in the end, hell it probably won't, but if there is even the smallest chance that it could help in any way then I will fight. That is where I will stand and if the fates should have it then that is where I will fall." I say sitting down by him. He looks up at me in wonder and a small smile finds its way onto his face. "What?" I blurt feeling a little insecure. "Nothing" he says still staring, still smiling, "You just remind me of someone I know. I think he would like you". Another beat passes between us before he stands, "Goodnight Bellamy" he says. "Goodnight Rhysand" I return. "Rhys" he corrects, "Call me Rhys".

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