I just did a bad thing but I don't regret the thing I did

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We spent hours on the mountain peak that night when the sun finally set and the stars came out I realized just how high up we were. The stars seemed to be in arms reach as though if I jumped high enough I could catch one. Rhys and I pointed out the constellations to each other although his astrological knowledge is far more extensive than mine. When we returned back inside our prison I could have sword my feet were cold enough that my toes would fall off. A less heartfelt goodnight and Rhys was back to cauldron knows where and I could only hope the queen bitch herself hides. While Rhysand's words rang in my head that I should play it smart the boiling rage in the pit of my stomach had not stopped growing since I learned just how horrible the woman could be. I didn't get much sleep last night with thousands of questions swirling in my mind, what curse? Why had my parents not been able to tell me? What was the prophecy Cylthia died protecting? Would I make it out of this alive? 

I wake up groggy to the sound of rustling outside my door. I wait a few moments but impatience gets the better as I walk to and fling the door open with an agitated expression towards whomever waited on the other side. As soon as I see her face I slam the door in it without an ounce of remorse. Before I make the walk back to my bed a gentle knock raps at my door. I take a deep breath preparing myself to deal with an extremely uncomfortable and trying conversation. I open the door again saying "I would have thought slamming the door in your face would have given you the message that I don't want to talk to you". I make no move to the side to let her inside. Her face looks conflicted "I don't expect you to understand" she starts. "I don't" I interrupt loudly raising my voice in hopes everyone here could listen to what is coming next. "Then again my mind would have to be pretty sick and twisted to understand anything about you". She opens her mouth but words fail to come out and I cut her off again, "Thank the Cauldron Cylthia is dead, what a disappointment you would be to her". I turn gripping the door to slam it again in her face. I feel her hand grab my wrist lightly almost a silent plea and without thinking it happens.  A loud sharp crack rings through the halls so present I am sure everyone in this mountain must have heard it and when Amarantha looks up ashen, shocked, and lip bloodied I realize I just smacked her. Hard too judging by the harsh red coating her cheeks although the water pooling in her eyes is not from the pain at least physical that is. I don't wait around nor do I apologize, shaking my head I rush back into my chambers shutting the door and locking it. I stop to catch my breath and lean against the door sliding my back down as the tears begin to fall. She stands outside of my room for a few moments before her footsteps begin down the hall and grow lighter and lighter. 

I spent most of the rest of the day in relative silence staring monotonously at the wall near the door half expecting her to return demanding my head. But no one comes just the silence and the pain which is somehow worse. Hours slip by and night begins but I don't move still shocked at my own actions from the morning. I don't hear the door open but I see Helion shutting the door behind himself as he quietly enters. I don't bother to greet him not knowing what to say if I did, he must have heard what I had done by now . Everyone must have. His eyes stay on me as he walks toward the bed sitting down next to me. "Are you ok?" he asks gentleness lacing his tone. "No".  He sighs, "I won't ask you why, I doubt you would tell me anyway but I will ask" he slowly looks up from the floor meeting my eyes "How good did it feel?" A laugh booms and I realize its coming from me "Really fucking good" I answer between laughs and Helion joins in with me. 

Helion stays the night with me, keeping company and making me laugh until I fall asleep half on sprawled out atop him. We wake early that morning and I see at some point in the night my legs had fallen on Helion face and he pushes them away gently chuckling slightly as he opens his eyes. "Thanks" I say. "What are friends for?" he asks making his way to leave. Before he turns the knob, as quiet as he can, he says "Tomorrow night wear something scandalous we have work to do". 

Sorry its short I will be uploading again later tonight just wanted to get this up its been in my drafts for a while I hope you enjoy and remember how wonderful you are!

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