Dance with the devil

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Its been near a week now since that traumatizing breakfast. I've been locked up in my room with only the stars for company. Even Rhysand hasn't visited. I wish I could say I've used this time to reflect significantly upon my mistakes as of late but all this free time has managed to do is add fuel to the fire of unending rage burning in my soul. On the sixth day of my confinement I am ready to tear the paint from the walls and set the whole this wretched place ablaze. The door begins unlocking from the outside and I can hear the rustle of footsteps. I grip the lamp from my bedside fully prepared to show Rhysand just how unpleasant I can be, when he steps in.

The high lord of the day court quietly enters my room taking it in. "Quite a gilded cage she has made for you pretty bird" he says without venom. "How did you get in here?" I ask, "Did she send you to collect me, because if so you can tell her hell will freeze before I ever spend time with that deranged witch ever again." Genuine beautiful laughter fills the room successfully breaking the deafening silence of the last week. "You are a lively one, just like your father" he says still grinning while shaking his head. "My father knew you?" I ask. "Something like that, however that is not what I am here to discuss" he makes his way to the wardrobe, "Nor am I taking you to Amarantha". He pulls out a satin gown made of what seem to be the finest silks I've ever laid eyes on. He shoves it into my arms and ushers me toward the washroom. "Hurry and dress, I don't want to be late" he says closing the door behind him. A small part of me wants to yell and demand to be told what is happening but the longing in my heart to actually be around another person outweighs any trepidations I may have.

The dress is stunning. I have never thought of myself as beautiful especially now I've spent so long shrouded in darkness, but when I look into the mirror this time I see it. A tiny glimmer of the girl my mother and father saw. The girl they would call a beauty. I am pulled from my reverie as the door swings open, "My, my, you are a sight to behold" he says gripping my hand and pulling me into a slight twirl. "What is your name?" I ask ashamed I hadn't remembered before. "Helion, my lady" he says giving a low bow and a small kiss to my hand. "I've been called many things but never a lady" I call walking back into my room and heading for the door, desperate to leave my chambers. "Wait!" he nearly yells. I turn to see him pulling an emerald necklace from his pocket. "A lady you may not yet be, but I couldn't let you leave without any armor little warrior" he says softly as he gently clasps the jewel onto the back of my neck. I can feel the heat of his breath on my skin and for a moment it seems as though time has stopped entirely. I don't notice until he pulls away that my breath is hitched in my throat begging for release.

I regain my composure enough to ask, "A jewel as armor?" He links elbows with me, "The best kind besides a deceitful smile". Grinning he drags me out into the darkened hallway. We wind down darkened hallways for what seems like forever. Eventually we make it to a dimly lit cove with two oak doors. Helion looses my arm explaining, "Before she took over this mountain, it was sacred to our people, a holy place. This was a sept the last remnant of the Elves, our ancestors." He knocks carefully and curated and the doors soon after slowly begin to swing open revealing a large crowd containing the lords of summer and winter and countless faces that I do not recognize. Helion links my arm in his walking me over to greet his friends. "Bellamy, this is Kallias high lord of the winter court and Tarquin high lord of the summer court. Boys play nice with her tonight." He says with a wink walking off and effectively leaving me alone with strangers. Tarquin steps forward first, "Bellamy it is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance." Kallias jumps in, "Yes it will certainly be a relief to have someone pleasant to look at amongst our cohorts." Tarquin amends quickly "What my friend here means is that it is nice to finally have a bright, young, intellectual, mind gracing our ranks. We were so happy when we heard you were to be joining." Confusion muddles my mind. "Joining what exactly?" I ask earnestly. The two high lords break into fits of laughter. Kallias manages a few words out in-between chuckles, "You mean to tell me he didn't let you know anything of tonight?" "What is tonight and what is this place?" I question. Tarquin explains, "We fought back. When Amarantha conquered Prythian we fought back and we lost. Our queen does not take kindly to those who question her rule. That's why we are imprisoned here, under the mountain. As for this sept, Helion found it not too many decades ago untouched by time and Amarantha. It was the safest place we could find. Life under the mountain can be unbearable at times, constantly walking on eggshells for fear of reproach of her wrath. This is the place we can gather and speak freely. A momentary solitude from the horrors awaiting us outside of these walls." Kallias smiles at me handing me a chalice "Don't worry dear, your surrounded by only friends here." I tentatively smile back taking the cup but barely manage to lift it to my lips before a hand reaches out ripping the chalice from my grasp without spilling a single drop. "Some friends you are" I hear and look behind me to see Helion handing the cup back to Kallias with a stern face. "No Faerie wine for you little one" he says admonishingly. "Incase you have forgotten I am faerie" I say reaching to take back the cup when he grips my wrist pulling me spinning into his chest. So close I can feel his breath on my lips not quite touching. "You are also mortal as well my dear and inebriating yourself here would not bode well for you, surrounded by friends or not."

He releases me and extends his hand, "May I have this dance" he asks smirking "My Lady" he finishes with a wink. Rolling my eyes I grab his hand nodding. His hand comes to rest upon my waist as the other fits seemingly perfect in my own. We spin and twirl in comfortable silence until I muster up the courage to ask, "If this is some sort of resistance for scorned high lords then where is Rhysand?" His grip tightens on my waist and the only answer I get is "I don't know". He says it with such finality I know not to push my luck. The music slows to a stop and with a polite bow Helion once again disappears.

The rest of the night is spent with Tarquin and Kallias fighting over my last dance and rehashing tales of the glory days. Helion walks me back to my room silently once again locking the door behind him as though nothing tonight had transpired. I still cannot help but think what beauty these few people have found even in the midst of such darkness. And what beauty Helion thought me worthy enough to share it with.

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