Chapter 23

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After a long search, Liam finally got a house for him to shift from his previous. It was exactly the type of house he had wanted. It had a huge open terrace, two bed rooms and everything perfect to start a new living. While he had first visited the house with the broker, he had planned to setup a grass mat and a swing. They would look beautiful together. He worked up to his thoughts and bought all the necessary stuffs he had wanted to set up in his house. Niall had visited him earlier in the morning. He helped him in packing up all the necessary items and lodging them in the new house.

Liam was standing in the terrace and praising the view outside. The trees, the flowers made thr surrounding look extremely beautiful. He heard the bell ring making a harsh noise. He went to open up the door. It was Zayn.

"So, you finally shifted. This house is really pretty."

"Yeah and yeah"

"You needed help in unpacking those boxes, right? That is why you called me up? "

"Yup! There are sooo many things. I needed some one to help me out."

"I will definitely help you out. It will be my pleasure."


"So, where do we start from? "

"I will unpack the ones in the bedroom. You can go for the drawing room."

"Yup. Sure."

Liam walked away to host bedroom while Zayn stayed back. There were quite a number of boxes, all laid around haphazardly. He had to search the ones which contained the most important of things like his clothes, his files etc. He started opening the boxes to find out which ones had the important stuffs in it.

Zayn was a bit stressed out whether Liam will like the way he will decorate the drawing room. He had made him part of plans of how he would decorate their house. The house was really like the one he had wanted for them and now it was also him doing the decor. The only difference is that they still aren't in a relationship, marriage is a far off topic. While putting things in place, he heard a groan from Liam's bedroom. A fear crept in him. It was a similar one he had heard before. He ran to Liam's room and found him in the same condition he had found him that one time he was having panic attack. Another panic attack? But why?

"Liam, let's try the technique we used last time."

After having recovered from the attack, Liam sat up straight.

"Can you get me a glass of water? "

"Yeah... Wait"

Zayn went up to the kitchen. He opened up the boxes to find out the glasses. He brought the water to Liam. After drinking the water, Liam seemed to feel a but relieved.

"Why did it happen again, Leeyum? "

"I was unpacking when I found out this album."

He showed Zayn a book covered with dust of many years. Zayn opened it up to see the tiny Liam he was and a very motherly figure holding him from the back by his waist. As he turned the pages, there were more of them, all a part of Liam's past. Would she be happy if she could have seen Liam and Zayn together?

"I had kept it far away from me for all these years cause it brought back memories which would make me feel like dying. But, unknowingly Niall had packed it along with other things."

Liam went quite for a moment while Zayn kept caressing his back.

"Do you think mom loves me, Zayn?"

"She will always do Li, wherever she is, she is always there for you in every part of your life."

Zayn held Liam's face against his chest. Liam sobbed like a kid who had lost his toy. But really it had been a huge loss for him. Zayn's tee was wet with Liam's tears but he didn't care about that now. All he cared was Liam. All he cared in thr entire earth was Liam. He was all and only. Chapters of his life filling up the book called Zayn's life. Will he be till the end of the book? Or will it remain only as chapters?
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