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Nathanael watched Isabella leave. She was the leader of this group of Cherubs and knowing she was also the same teen who rescued him left him feeling unmanned. It wasn't a feeling he liked. He watched as the cluster of other girls spoke amongst themselves, but none went after Isabella. In this realm she was the ruler and her unspoken desire for privacy overrode their curiosity.

"Where has she gone?" asked Nathanael to the Cherub who had forced Isabella to remove the knife from his throat.

The Cherub immediately looked down at the floor, keeping her eyes downcast as was the norm and quietly spoke. Nathanael had to strain his hearing and move slightly forward to hear her words over the pounding sounds of the DJ's music.

"We are honored you have found us, Nathanael. I am Meredith."

Nathanael waited a heartbeat for her to continue with the full litany of her formal name, but none came forward. It dawned on him then what the true meaning of their exile meant. They had given up their family names as a sign of respect to not disgrace their heavenly sisters.

"Isabella needs some time to adjust, Nathanael. Things on Earth have not been easy."

Nathanael wanted specifics but at that moment the other Cherubs moved closer and he immediately noticed how Meredith clenched her jaw and tensed. He got the distinct impression she would not say anything more about their exile while the other Cherubs were present.

"Take me to her," he demanded, wanting and needing answers now.

Meredith moved slightly out of reach. "Certainly, but..."

He waited, raising his eyebrow as the time stretched on.

She ushered her sisters over forcing Nathanael to wait. It wasn't a feeling he liked.

"Sisters let us retire to our residence to refresh our souls," said Meredith, gently coaxing the other Cherubs to lead the way from back stage to their dwelling.

Nathanael wisely kept his mouth shut as he followed them out the backstage exit door. A covered walkway led to another building. This building, all dark brown brick, blended in more with the night. The building looked in better shape than the center sitting in front of it, obscuring its view of the run down block. Meredith was the one who held open the door for him allowing him to enter their quarters. Nathanael noticed how quiet the Cherubs all moved as they ascended the stairs to a top loft. There they split off, but Meredith was the one who urged him into what looked like a common area. Large waist high windows framed the front of the building. Nathanael noticed the pristine cleanliness of the place and how white everything was, including the leather sofas and walls. He moved to the window and was amazed at how even two flights up the scenery changed. He'd been wrong. They had a wonderful eagle-eyed view of the Boston harbor and he highly suspected the amount of light streaming through the high windows in the day would make the room almost holy like.

Turning he faced Meredith. Very briefly their eyes made contact, but swiftly like she'd been raised she bowed her head and waited for him to speak.

"Where is she?"

"Isabella has gone through a lot, Nathanael," said Meredith.

That was twice she'd warned him about his mate and his gut told him her words weren't meant to protect him rather warn him. "What happened to you all?" asked Nathanael.

"Exile to Earth is not for the faint of heart and we've been here so long..."

It cut through him again, what Isabella had said. A decade. These angels, teens who should be cloistered away until their intended came for them, had somehow managed to survive in amongst the filth of mankind for ten long years. A part of him yearned to ask how, but he didn't want Meredith to be the one to explain things to him and he highly suspected she wouldn't even if he exerted his Seraphim right.

Salvation, Fallen Angel Series, Book OneWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt