Part 28- moving day

Beginne am Anfang

The plane landed and I rushed to get my suitcase and head to the hotel I booked for the night despite it being early Friday morning I wanted to get at least a little sleep so that I don't collapse this evening.

Your POV

My alarm went off at 7am, I don't remember setting it this early but apparently I did. Last night Alex didn't call me because he had something to do so I basically just wallowed in sadness lying on the bit of floor space still available. By this point there is barely anything to the apartment everything apart from the things I need this morning are in boxes its a bit ridiculous really.

I got dressed into some leggings and just a plain white t-shirt because it was comfy but didn't make me look like a complete wreck, don't want to make a bad impression on the neighbours or look awful in front of the people driving the moving truck. I did my hair and everything else I would normally do in the morning and put everything away after, the only thing I didn't do was eat breakfast because I have literally nothing to eat or to eat with.

Shortly after 9 there was a knock at my door which I assumed was the moving guys because they were due to get here not too long from now so I went right to the door and opened it while holding various different things I might as well of been a waitress I was carrying so much stuff.

I opened the door and it wasn't the mover guys. At first my brain wouldn't catch on to what was happening but when it did I nearly dropped everything in surprise. It was Alex. What the hell was he doing here.

"Surprise" he exclaimed

"Omg I'm so happy that you're here I've missed you way too much" I said

I put down everything I had in my arms to give Alex a hug, he hugged me back and kissed the top of my head while doing so. We didn't let go for ages, we didn't want to either because these moments sadly don't last forever, I wish they would though. He pulled away and helped me gather things together as the movers arrived, all 3 of the movers and the 2 of us were moving boxes into the van. Surprisingly it didn't take too long to get everything in there and a few more important things like all of the boxes with my set up in in my car which me and Alex got in and started the drive to my new house.

This is really exciting it hasn't felt real up until now but leaving my apartment and handing in the keys feels like a huge step in my life I mean its not everyday that an 18 year old can get their own house right.

While I drove Alex put his hand on my knee and we listened to music happily singing along to our favourite songs it felt like we were actually teenagers just cruising around California with no care and no worries in the world. We were brought back to the real world when we made it to the house and had to step out of the wonderful space we had created and be adults.

The moving truck pulled up just after we did and they parked alongside my car in the driveway while I collected the keys from my estate agent. She was stood on the front lawn waiting for me to come over so we could finalise everything, I walked over with Alex behind me and she went over all the things that needed to be done before dropping all the keys into my hands.

This wasn't a new experience because I collected the keys to my apartment when I moved in but this felt different, there was a lot more keys for this place and multiple copies of them too so I can give them to people not that I really know anyone.

The estate agent left so I opened the doors for the first time, it swung open to reveal the hallway which was now not as full as it was before but that was fine I had furniture to put in there. Me and Alex helped move all of the boxes in and put them in the right rooms while the moving guys brought in the heavier things. Things got a little crazy as the other furniture I had order arrived like it was meant to but there was just so much going on I was running around like a headless chicken.

Things slowed down after everything was at least in the house none of it was where it was meant to be which is the next task but for now food. I connected my phone to the WiFi and ordered some breakfast for the both of us because I was starving. While waiting for the food we sat on the floor with our backs against boxes taking a minute to chill.

"How you feeling? Is it weird being in your own house?" He asked

"I'm still kind of stressed because this place is a mess and yeah its a little weird finally being here for good" I replied

"Don't you worry we will sort everything out and make all that stress go away" he said

He gave he a hug from the side and then pulled me close to him so that I was resting on his chest, that was until the doorbell rang and our food got here.

Authors note: this continues in the next part because otherwise this would be way too long but I hope you guys enjoyed this part and the surprise.

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