Chapter Twenty-Five: Let's Protect Each Other Then

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fragments || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


You watched the snow covering the farm of Vanya's friend. It was only affecting the farm while outside was all green and warm. You hugged yourself. "I'm so glad you gave me this hoodie." You muttered. You saw lightning on the barn's roof so you assumed the boy's inside the barn since the snow was caused by the boy's powers.

You and Nico got out of the car as well as your siblings on the other car. "You think whatever's going on inside is causing the cold front?" Diego questioned.

"Well, the correlation is high." Five said.

A blonde woman suddenly rushed outside with a gun aiming at you and your siblings. "Sissy!" Vanya yelled.

"Get back!" Sissy warned. "All of you, just get the hell back!"

"Sissy!" Vanya approached her. "Hey! Hey! What's wrong?"


"What did he do to you?"

Sissy was breathing shakily. "He's... dead. Harlan tossed him aside like a rag doll, the same way you sent those policemen flyin'. What did you do to him?"


"What the hell did you do to my son?"

"We don't have time for this," Diego stated until Sissy pointed the gun at him. "Where you think you're going?"

"To help your son," Diego reassured.

"Look, Sissy, I found my family," Vanya told Sissy. "These are my brothers and sisters."

Sissy looked at all of you in disbelief and turned to Luther who waved at her. She shook her head and turned to Vanya. "Were you lyin' to me the whole time?"

"Of course not," Vanya replied. "Look, I didn't know who I was. But I do now. And we are not the monsters that they say we are. We did not kill the president. We are not terrorists. We're not here to hurt anyone."

"Then... who are you?"

"The only one who can help Harlan."

Sissy softly nodded, agreeing to let Vanya help her son. All of you including Nico and Sissy went inside the barn to find Harlan inside a tornado-like force field around him. "Harlan?" Vanya asked. "Harlan, it's Vanya!" Vanya tried to calm Harlan and even entering the force field using her powers. Then you noticed Klaus looking outside. You approached him and held his arm. "Hey, you alright, buddy?"

"Uh..." He pointed at a two small figures from the distance. You squinted your eyes to see it clearly and saw Lila and the Handler. "Not a great fucking time." You hissed.

"Guys?" Klaus asked for the others.

"What?" Diego questioned.

"Who are they?" Klaus asked.

"One's the Handler, the other's Diego's girlfriend." Five answered.

Klaus gasped. "What?"

"Lila. That's my ex-girlfriend." Diego corrected.

"You know what?" Luther said. "Doesn't matter. They both look angry."

"Our brother has that effect on people," Allison added.

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