Deleted Scene #1: You're Alive?

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fragments || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


"You get started on that film. I'll be back as soon as I can." Five turned to leave, placing down the silver pen he was holding, and then looked at you. "You can start trying remembering your real memories, (Y/n). I'll help you once I get out idiotic brother."

When he left, you stared in the direction where he was and blinked. "Wait. We're siblings?" You looked at Elliott who was looking at the small box then to Nico who walked away. "Should I follow him?"

"Who?" Nico asked.

"That weird kid."

"You probably couldn't follow him. He may be teleported already or—"

Elliott's sentence was cut short with a scream by Elliott himself when Five reappeared with a small smile dancing on his face. "Heard ya. Come on, you can come with me."

You put your hand down which was on your chest a while ago then nodded. "Uhh... yeah! Sure. How the hell did you hear me?"

"I didn't leave. I was waiting if you wanted to come or not."

"Well, you could've just asked."

Five shrugged before taking your hand. "Come on. We'll spatial jump from there."

"How did you find the person you're looking fo—"

You didn't manage to finish your sentence when you and Five spatial jumped in a different place. You clutched his hand as you covered your mouth with your other hand. "I feel like throwing up." You whispered.

You looked at the two people in front of you, a brown-skinned woman and the same dude you saw last month. Five, on cue, as if he heard what the two people were talking about, intervened. "Because he's an idiot."

"Who the hell are you?" The woman gasped but left Diego unbothered.

"Hi. I'm his loving brother." Five introduced with a fake smile. Lila then saw you, her mouth almost hanging. 'Oh God, you're alive. How are you alive?'

"Who left me to rot in the nuthouse," Diego said between his gritted teeth in anger and annoyance, still not looking at Five so he didn't know you were there.

"To protect you from yourself." Five defended his actions earning a nod from the woman. "That's quite sweet." She commented.

"Okay, both of you, out."

Five leaned into Diego, ignoring the woman. "Lose the crazy lady and come with me." The woman frowned and looked offended. "We have important business." Five continued.

Diego shook his head. "I am not going anywhere with you."

Five sighed, rolling his eyes. He looked outside the car's open window to spot a policeman walking around. He looked back at Diego and smirked. "Okay, fine." He moved to the side, near the opened window, and stuck his head out with a mischievous smile. "Officer!" He called out loud.

"Hey!" Diego exclaimed, bringing Five's head back to the car. He pulled the boy's collar and looked at him sternly. "What are you doing?"

"I hear there's a reward out for you two." Five replied.

"He's bluffing." The woman told Diego but the man looked at Five's eyes and he could tell the boy isn't lying. "He's not," Diego said. "Fine. I'll go with you."

"What about me?" The woman asked, earning a confused look from Five. Diego glanced at her before nodding. "And I'm bringing the crazy lady."

He then suddenly noticed your presence. He looked at the other side to see you all quiet and waved awkwardly. "Hey..."

"(Y/n)?" Diego asked in disbelief.

"Took ya long enough to notice that she's there." Five rolled his eyes.

Diego leaned in, his hand tapping the top of your head a bit. "Oh my God! You're really here! You're alive?"

"Uhh, yeah? Why wouldn't I be?"

"We thought you're dead."

You looked at Five who gently nodded. You sighed and hesitantly hugged Diego back. "Well, good news, I'm alive."

Diego pulled away and was still shock and was full of questions. "How are you alive? How did you get here? Do you remember what happened in 2019?"

"Uhh, I don't know. I don't know. And, no."

Five pushed Diego further away a bit from you. "Give her some space. She doesn't remember anything. But we're working on retrieving her memories back. Now, drive."


(Deleted scenes are deleted parts from a chapter that I wrote but didn't make it to the final published chapters)

This is short because this part was suddenly deleted because I couldn't think of any more ideas for this part that's why I changed it.

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