Chapter Thirteen: They Were Victims

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fragments || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


"So, what, you just let her go?" Diego asked Five who was pacing back and forth in the living room while Lila was treating Diego's scar.

"Well, Vanya had a lot to process." Five sighed. "She'll come around. I know she will."

"What about the guys that went after her?"

"The Swedes?"

"Yeah, I mean, how do you know they won't go after her again?"

"We don't."

Elliott came back with cups of coffee and gave one to Lila while the other one to Five. Lila gladly accepted and her eyes scanned the room until she saw you all alone in your room, your thighs against your chest, furrowed eyebrows, and a small pout. She then looked at Nico who was eyeing suspiciously at her. Lila blinked in confusion before shrugging and turned to Five and sipped her coffee. "Mm, any idea who sent them?"

"Oh, I have my suspicions. But right now, our priority is finding Dad and getting answers, 'cause everything else depends on it."

"Which, for the record, I found him already," Diego told Five.

"And then let him go before we could have a meaningful conversation."

"He stabbed me." Diego reasoned.

Five scoffed before sitting down. "I'm surprised he waited this long, Diego. We've all had the urge."

Lila laughed while Elliott chuckled. Lila raised her hand up, waiting a high five from Five. "Good one." Five stared at her before ignoring her and looking back at Diego. "Good thing I know where dad's gonna be tonight." Five gave Diego the invitation he found back at Reginald's place while Lila lowered her hand down since her high five was rejected by the person she's assigned to protect.

Five glanced at you to see you already have your back turned, hugging a pillow and then you laid down at your bed. You sighed heavily and covered the half of your face with the pillow you were hugging and closed your eyes.

"Where'd you get this?" Diego asked.

"Found it at his office while he was busy stabbing you."

Diego chuckled sarcastically before rolling his eyes and looking back at the invitation. "Hoyt Hillenkoetter and the Consulate General of Mexico in Dallas cordially invite you to a gala."

Elliott gasped. "Woah, wait. Hoyt Hillenkoetter? Are you serious?"

"You know him?" Five asked.

Lila gasped when she read the invitation. "We should go. Says there's gonna be a seafood tower."

"No, Hillenkoetter is... is one of the Majestic Twelve," Elliott said.

"The hell is the Majestic Twelve?" Diego questioned.

"It's... a secret committee. Uh, scientists, military, uh, deep state." Elliott walked over to his table full of his research and looked for something. "No one knows what they really do."

"Wait, so they're government?"

"Shadow government. Yeah, Kennedy was the first president to try to push 'em into the light, but these guys are not to be trifled with. Oh, here we go. Ah, right here." Elliott found something and placed it down on the coffee table, showing it to everyone. "This, uh... Oh, right here." he tapped his finger on someone's face on the picture. "That's Hoyt right there."

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