Chapter 8

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"But Maia, why would you rather hang out with Zach?" I ask her in exasperation. Gosh, why does everyone like him better?!

You know why Emma. He's more fun.

I roll my eyes at myself. Geez, I've been doing that a lot lately.

"He's more easy going, I don't know, he's cool." Ouch. I'm cool too. And Zach is just as... well he's... ok, so I'm more stubborn, but.... ugh. I see her roll her eyes, I've been bugging her about that question since yesterday and I can tell she's annoyed. Hey, I can't help but want to know why! Everyone likes Zach better...

"Fine. But he's been really busy with work lately." And so will I be. I gulp.

She rolls her eyes at me, again, as she gets in my car. There's nowhere else I can leave her, since I'm starting my first official day at work, on a Wednesday. Will just couldn't wait until it was more convenient. Then again, deep down I knew I couldn't just turn this down, and I've had this information for a week.


I tried to dress smartly in one of my gray trousers, navy blazer and printed top. I need to look smart, professional, mature. Not like a fresh out of college fish.

Although I probably seem a little that way since I have to bring Maia to work. It's like a weird bring your kid to work day. Why did I agree to this?!

Even though I'm starting the grasp the fact that I'm now the sole CEO of a multi-billion dollar company, (oh geez), I know today's gonna suck. It's pretty much going to be a training/here's how it works day, and it's weird, being the boss of hundreds of employees, of people older and more experienced, more educated, of my friends. They all know me and my family, they are all going to be nice, right?

Geez, I feel like a freshmen on the first day of high school.

Neither Maia nor I have brought up the art class, and I don't want to get caught between Marie and Maia, but I also don't want this to be the most punishable, miserable summer for her. I don't think either of us could take that.

When I pull in to the small Remlor parking lot, I start to tremble. Why do I always have to think about what could go wrong? Why not focus on the good things, like I'm going to do what makes my dad proud or my new salary is roughly 10 million dollars.

I can't even fathom that, I can't breathe.

"Ok, ground rules." I say as we're right outside the glass doors. I didn't ever anticipate that my first day of CEO at Remlor would include a 13 year old moody kid, so I figured I need to set some rules.

"You're going to stay in my office", my office, "and not go wandering around, because there's a lot of restricted areas, labs, it's a big place and I need to know where you are." She rolls her eyes at me and I try to ignore it.

"Also, please, please, please don't...." I struggle to find the right words.

"Embarrass you?" She mutters. I sigh and pull my hair back. It's hot and I'm struggling to say the right things

"No, well, sort of. No, I just need everyone to see me as a professional, not as James Rembrandt's kid, not as Zach's girlfriend, not as the newbie, not as the teen wife or anything like that. I want this to work." I say, trying to emphasize my point. I seriously can't stress that enough, this is a big title change, and maybe Im not ready for it, but it's necessary. And I want it.

"Do I make myself clear?" I say softly.

"Yes. And you're not a teen wife. Not anymore." I give her a small smile.

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