Being Used

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Chapter One: 💔

My entire existence revolved around loving her. I was brought into this world, bound to her. Everyday, I was meant to make her smile; I wanted to see her laugh. My arms were supposed to be open every time she wanted to be embraced.

But now, she wanted me dead.

I had never been too sure of how, when or why Esme had been granted the opportunity to make a wish. All I knew was that she felt alone- and wanted to feel important to somebody.

"I want to be loved" was her wish.

The day after she spoke those words, I came into the world. My purpose was to want her. To make her feel cherished, appreciated. In the beginning, she liked me too. We spent so much time together, every single day. Esme made me feel like I was loved too. But our time together was short.

Merely two months after my soul had been placed into the Earth, in her life- she found somebody else.


They met at the coffee parlour she worked at; she served him once, and after that, he passed by every morning. And since they met, Esme became progressively more distanced from me.

She'd yell at me- for being too 'clingy' or 'attached'. She told me I wasn't good enough for her. But no matter what she told me, my only emotion was to love her, forever. For, that is was she wished for in the first place.

The day came where she exaggerated her feelings towards me- she despised me. Yet she never understood that my purpose in her life was to see her leave with some other man. We were supposed to be soulmates.

Out of rage, she attacked me. She grasped a vase and threw it at me, eager to inflict pain. I was quick to dodge it, swerving left, out of the firing range. Esme continued to scream at me, but her words were blurred in my mind. I didn't want to hurt her; I couldn't hurt her.

A screech of the drawers filled the room as she took a knife from it, holding it up towards me with trembling hands. Her eyes were teary, but full of hatred.

"I don't fucking love you anymore!" she cried. "You're not even real. I wished for you to appear one day and now I want you gone."

Esme swung the knife once and then pulled it back into her firm grip. She was no longer crying, but was gritting her teeth. I could tell she meant every word. Her blonde curls fell down into her face, sticking to her skin where her tears had once been.

"I never want to see you again, Caden. Go back into the thin air where you came from!"

The knife brushed past my chest, and in fear I fell backwards. My hands clutched the side of the couch as I pulled myself onto my feet, avoiding the swings of the blade. I ran out of the room and burst through the main door of the apartment, into the hall.

I heard Esme's footsteps chasing me at a slow pace, so my instincts told me to run. I ran down the two flights of stairs and out onto the sidewalk, looking back through the door at Esme; she could not bring herself to leave the building and kill me in public, and ran back upstairs.

The only thing I could do then was get away, as far as I could. As much as she hated me, and wanted me gone- I still loved her. And to respect her wishes, she'd be happiest if I had run away, if I didn't see her any more.

𝘓𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘠𝘰𝘶Where stories live. Discover now