{Chapter 7}

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Last chapter:

"So.. Where am I supposed to sleep?" He asked. "Oh about that. You'll umm.. have to sleep on this bed with me." I said.

"Oh." He paused. But came back to his senses and walked to the bed. He layed down amd I also layed down to sleep. "Well um.. Good night Namjoon." "Yeah good night."

"Good morning sleepyheads. Oh-"


Y/n POV:

It's the next morning and I just woke up. I stood up to go to the bathroom to take a shower. After I was done I put on some clothes and went to the boy his room. Went I arrived I knocked on his door. It took a while for him to open the doors.

By the look on his face I see that he just woke up. I giggled and when inside. "Good morning." I said. He nodded and went to the batroom. I went to his closet to pick out a pair of clothing for him. After he was done with showering I took the clothes to the door and knocked on it.

"Here are your clothes. If you're done please come meet me at the dining table. We'll have some breakfast first and then we'll go back to the town." I said and gave him his clothes. He took it and went back in. I went out of his room to go wake big brother up.

When I arrived I knocked on the the door. There was no answer so I opened the door. "Good morning sleepyheads. Oh-" And there I saw Jin cuddling with Namjoon. "Ummm.... Should I wake them up?" I whispered to myself.

But it's such a good moment for them to catch up. I'm going to let sleep for another thirty minuted. If you wake up.... I'm going to be in trouble.. I closed the door and went to the dining table to meet uncle. "Good morning uncle."

"Good morning y/n. Take a seat the food will be here in a moment." While I was taking a seat the boy just came in. He bowed instead of saying good morning. Uncle saw the boy and said good morning. The boy took a seat infront of me.

"Y/n?" "Yes uncle?" "Where is Jin?" "Oh. He's still in his room sleeping. He looked really tired when we came back so I decided to let him sleep for another thirty minutes." "Oh ok. Now that that is settled. What are you two going to do today?"

"Well he and I were planning to go back to the village." "Oh good. But be back before 8 pm." "Yes uncle. We will." After the conversation the food came in. After the plate was put on the table we began to eat.

Namjoon POV:

I woke up to the sound of a door closing. It took me a while to get where I was. When I knew I looked to my right and saw Jin holding my hand. 'He's still sleeping. Cute...... Wait what am I thinking?' I shooked my head to get the thought out of my face.

I stood up and when to the bathroom. When I was done I took some of Jin's clothes and put them on. After I was done I went to wake up Jin. "Jin... Jin... Jin wake up." "How late is it?" "It's 9:30." "What!" Jin got up as fast as he could and went straight to the bathroom.

"Oh I'm about to kill you y/n." He mumbled. I giggled at how mad he was. It's been a while since I've seem him being mad. I always told the members I found it cute when he's mad and they responded with it being not cute but scary.

I sat on the bed and waited for him. When he was done he came out of the shower. "Hey Namjoom. Aren't you going to the dining table?" He asked. "Ummm... Where is that?" "Oh right. I forgot. Just give me a minute." He went to his closet to put some clothes on. After 5 minutes he was done.

"Ok lets go." He took me by hand and pulled me to the dining room. When we arrived we stopped infront of the doors. Jin was catching his breath before he could speak. "Oh yeah I just noticed that you wore one of my pairs."

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