I run towards him, sending a kick his way, just for him to duck under it. AS he ducks, he sweeps my feet, attempting to send me to the ground. Just to my luck and talent, his sweep sent both of my legs in the air, but my arms were able to move fast enough to save me. I push myself back up, in time to escape his punch.

He punches the ground where I once laid, creating a crater in the ground. Landing on the ground, I switch my grip, having the sharpened side face outwards with the blunter side facing my forearm. As the speedster rises to his feet, I grip my katana tightly, and with a surge of adrenaline, I run towards him.

The speedster shakes the pebbles out of his hand, just in time to witness my attack. They stare at me in horror as I stare back with pure enjoyment. The katana slices from the lower right of his torso, all the way up to his right shoulder. The look of fear is an entertaining expression; something worth seeing.

Oil spills, and so does the body. The fast-paced actions come to a stop, bringing me back to reality. I look up towards the audience, the smirk quickly dropping. I stare at each member with deadeyes, letting everything sink in as the liquids spread out.

Nightwing stares at me wide-eyed. "You're the one—"

"You're gonna pay for that," the man-robot snarls, lifting their arm with the cannon, aiming it at me.

"Tch." I switch my grip back to normal, running towards the robot in a blink of an eye. Too fast for them to charge their canon; too fast for them to realize. I appear in front of the robot, taking my katana and slicing his arm right off, ready to fire. Taking the arm, I switch the aim from me to him.

The weapon aims at the now horrified robot. Before they could react, a beam of blue energy shoots out of the arm, disintegrating the owner of the weapon. Whatever is left of that body falls to the ground, motionless.

As it falls, I move to my next victim, over and over again. I take the arm and throw it at the robot with the red suit and white cape, using it as a distraction.

The robot swats it away but comes face to face with my katana. The weapon penetrates itself through its face. In mid-air, I twist the katana and swing up, cutting through their head. Nearly landing on the ground, I turn around, slicing in different directions, sending his head and other body parts flying. I land on the ground, turning my head and running straight for the flying green glow stick.

The robot begins to fly, creating a distance between us. He uses his ring to create a machine gun and aims at me. He begins to shoot nonstop, the ammo never running out.

As I'm busy dodging the bullets, I hear a whizzing sound coming towards me. Without looking I catch the weapon, finding a weapon in the shape of a bat. Staring at the weapon, I examine it, noticing a blinking red dot on it. Realizing what it is, I stop running, and throw it at the green robot.

Without knowing what it is, he shoots it down, causing a massive explosion. The explosive causes him to lose focus, blowing him away and falling from the sky.

I take this as my chance and run towards the falling figure. Gripping my sword I prepare myself to jump and kill. But as I do so, I hear another whizzing noise. I turn my attention to whatever is behind me, noticing three of the same previous weapons flying towards me. I leap and turn, following through with my katana, causing all three to explode. The blast knocks me off balance, causing me to skids across the floor. Quickly getting back to my feet, ignoring the owner of the weapons, I turn towards the green robot, seeing that he's still falling.

I run towards him at full speed. But once again, I hear the whizzing. Without turning around, I aim and throw the katana at the falling figure, watching it penetrate his body, immobilizing him. As the figure continues to fall, I quickly turn around, seeing three more of the weapon. Without hesitation, I grab all three with one hand and fling them back in the direction they came from.

The School Life of The Other DemonWhere stories live. Discover now