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A/N: Surprise, enjoy chapter three two weeks early! And Please let me know what you think with a review. Much love to all the reviews, followers, and votes including the guest, I appreciate y'all too! Everyone who has stuck with HOF this long are a huge reason that I pushed myself to finish this chapter early. So, consider this part of my Valentine's gift to you. Make sure your following/adding this story to your reading list  because another surprise is coming very soon. :^)

Art: Sharkdarkx 

No Trigger Warnings!

Disclaimer: I do not own Hey Arnold or their lovely characters 333

Disclaimer: I do not own Hey Arnold or their lovely characters 333

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Helga tossed and turned lightly In her bed. She stretched her limbs before she threw her hand over the side of her mattress. She felt something hard and ran her fingers across it. She opened up one eye to see Arnold in the chair next to her, with his head thrown to the side. She looked down at her fingers on his knee.

Helga moved her hand, turned on her back, and lifted up. She looked down to see she was still wearing her mother's black dress and realized she must have fallen asleep. Helga placed her hand on her throbbing head and the other hand on her stomach that was doing back flips. She snuck out the bed to go to the bathroom.

After she brushed her teeth, she filled a cup with water that's usually used for gargling to take an aspirin. She also took an alka- seltzer for her stomach. Helga leaned on the sink and took a few deep breaths before she looked in the mirror and cringed at the sight. She washed her face with a soapy washcloth then rubbed some rose oil into her wet skin before she finished her routine with a few sprays of rose water.

Olga had started the younger sister on this skin care routine once she turned eleven. She informed her that healthy skin was very important for a young girl blossoming into a lady. Helga moaned the whole time and rolled her eyes, but like the lavender shampoo her former nanny gave her, this routine brought her peace.

The young woman sat on the sink to let her face dry. Helga unloosen her high messy ponytail into two pigtails with the hair tie that was already in her hair, and an extra one in a small basket nearby. She placed the silver bow back in the middle of hair and looked in the mirror.

Helga slowly walked back to her room to see her boyfriend's oblong head still leaned to the side. She placed her hand over her heart at the sight. The look of glee changed when she remembered she was the reason for how tired he was. Helga crawled on her bed to sit on her knees. She leaned over and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. He shifted his body and opened his eyes slowly. He looked around the room then met his girlfriend's gaze.

"Helga?" He whispered.

"Hey, sleepy head." She smiled at him.

"Wait, what?" He put his hand on his head. "I must have fallen asleep."

"I'm sorry." She looked away.

"For what?' He looked at her with one eye and rubbed the other.

"I don't know, everything" She looked back at him, "You're going to be in so much trouble with your parents." She bit her lip.

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