Helga New Year

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Important Author's Note: This chapter and majority of the story takes place in the early 2000s, so minutes have limits, movies are on VHS, mix tapes are still a thing, and people take taxis because rideshare (unless it's with your friend's mom) doesn't exist, so keep this in mind while reading.

TW: Teen drinking, sexual Harassment, unwelcome advances.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Hey Arnold. Doi! I've adopted them and love them! I'm so excited for you to see them develop into blossoming flower children/ adults.

Image: Sharkdarkx


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The faint ringing in her ears caused the blonde to shift and turn in her bed. She mumbled and waved her arm before it landed to the side of her mattress as she drifted back to sleep. Helga opened one eye and looked at the door where the sound of knocking had come from.

"Helga, Honey," Miriam peeked her head in her daughter's room.

"What, Miriam?" Helga tried to make out the blurred figure which was her mother.

"Your little friend, Phoebe is on the phone," She smiled at her daughter.

Helga groaned and reached to pick up her pink cordless phone, "I got it Miriam."

"Oh okay," Miriam backed out the room still holding her own phone in her hands.

"Hang up, mom," Helga said.

"Oh, yeah. Okay..." she hung up.

Helga exhaled once she heard the phone click, "Phoebe, it better be important for you to call me so early in the morning."

"Salutation, Helga," Phoebe said.

"Hakuna Matata to you too, Pheebs." She rubbed the bridge of her nose.

Phoebe laughed, "It's one in the afternoon, Helga."

"Criminy, it can't be." She looked over to her clock to see it was indeed the time her friend said. Helga looked at her cell phone and saw the text notifications from Arnold. "The football head is going to kill me." She leaned back on the bed.

"I'm sure he'll forgive you when you kiss him tonight."

"Pheebs, I already told you and my adorable dork of a boyfriend that i'm not going."

"But, Helga," She pleaded, "it's tradition to kiss at midnight--"

"Don't care." Helga cut her off and turned to lay on her side. "Pheebs, the last time I went to one of Miss. Rhonda Lloyd's parties I kissed Brainy, Stinky, and even Sid while playing spin the bottle." She laid on her back again, "I kissed everyone, but the dork." She huffed "My dork!"

"I know but--"

"I'm surprised you want to go." She set up on her bed "Did you forget you had to kiss Harold. Harold?!"

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