Chapter 6~ truth or dare?

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Paige's POV
It's been a week since it all happened and so far it's all forgotten, Liv, Leo and Charlie are all coming to mine tonight and Liv is sleeping over. I wanted. Leo and Charlie to aswell but according to my mum I can't for 3 reasons:
1 she doesn't know them well enough.
2 they're boys sleeping in my room
3 they're older boys and I'm only 14 and blah blah I sort of stopped paying attention but it's probably a good job I did because knowing my mum she would make it something really awkward when I'm really just friends with them both. Well it's still awkward with Charlie, still.
Anyway, they're all coming in half an hour so I finally convince myself to get dressed and put on a pair of black skinny jeans with a t shirt and my favourite hoodie. I run a brush through the birds nest that inhabited my head then did my make up. I was so tired I poked myself in the eye with my mascara wand. Oops.

The doorbell rings and I run down the stairs before letting my friends in.
"Hey!" Liv greets me with a hug.
"Hi Paige," Leo gives me one of those boy hugs where they don't really hug they just slap each other's back. Charlie gives me a sweet smile and I lead them up to my room. The only room where I'll get any peace and quiet seeing as the rest of the house is occupied with crazy siblings running around the place.
"Cool room," Charlie says as he walks through the door, nodding. Leo picks up a photo of me and Liv in our school uniform.
"Hey," he says, "I recognise this uniform, Charlie come over here." Charlie walks over.
"Oh yeah! That's the one down the road from ours," Charlie said. Woah, we go to schools next to each other. Small world.
"Cool, how do you guys get to school?" I ask.
"We walk," Charlie and Leo say in unison. Liv and I give each other a look.
"Same, we could walk together. Meet at that tree, the huge one on the other side of the road from the shops," Liv said.
"Oh yeah, I know the one, what do you say Charlie?"
"Sounds great!"

So it's later on that night and Liv and I are left to our own devices, now my family are asleep and Leo and Charlie went home.
"Truth or dare?" Liv asks.
"Since when were we playing?" I asked, knowing Liv always had the best dares- and by best I mean the most horrible.
"Since I said 'truth or dare' now choose."
"Fine!" I gave in, "truth- no wait dare- no!" I couldn't decide.
"Just pick one."
"Truth." Seemed safer.
"Ok, would you go out with Leo if he asked you out?" She said, oh, that ones alright.
"Erm I dunno, to be honest I still like Charlie," I said quietly. Liv breathed a sigh of relief, I know what this is about.
"I was so glad you said that," Liv said.
"Why?" I played innocent.
"Because, well, I-er kind of might just sort of reallylikeleobutididntwanttosayanythingbecauseithinkhelikesyo!" She finally breathed.
"Hmm interesting, and he doesn't like me." I folded my arms.
"I think he does," Liv replied. That would explain everything that happened last week. And why Leo ran off, and why charlie apologised, and why him and Leo got into a fight. I didn't want to dig up the past, so I stopped there.

Shortish chapter but I've finally planned out whole of this story now so I hopefully won't be getting anymore writers block. And if you didn't catch what Liv said it was I really like Leo but I didn't want to say anything because I think he likes you. - Levries_143_

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