The rest of the day I stayed revising planets and stars for my last exam.

It was 8:00pm, today was the perfect day to see the stars they were beautiful.

The test would be placed in the astronomy tower.

A very important place for me, and theo.

Each student had a telescope.

Some were dark blue, and others black.

I got one blue, and by my side theo got one black.

I got the test parchment and it was all blank, we had to fill everything with what we could see.

I started.

I could see some constellations so I wrote them on my paper, drawing.

I never been able to draw that good, but I tried.

I looked to my side after 20 minutes, and theo was almost finished.

he was so good at astronomy.

After a long time I finished.

I gave Professor Sinistra the paper. And headed to my room.

I went to sleep.

"Y/n ! Y/n!" I heard some feminine voice calling me,

Actually shouting.

"What happened ?"  I Said sitting on my bed and rubbing my eyes.

It was pansy.

I think we are not ignoring each other anymore.

I missed her.

"You're not going to believe"

"so we the inquisitorial squad found harry, ron, and hermione doing something against umbridge's rules, as always so they were caught."

my eyes were widen open.

"Is harry okay ?" I asked

"why do you care ?" She asked

"are you fancying that scar head now ?" She said giggling

"oh stop" I said a little bit angry getting up from my bed, and going to the bathroom.

While I was taking my morning shower a fire along with a letter came.

What ?

I got the letter, it was a black seal with craniums on it. I never have received from this person.

I read :


We will need you to a mission for the death eaters, at the ministry at magic. Get there as soon as you read this letter.


Ew tom riddle had sent me a letter.

Well I fucked him so what am I saying.


I didn't wanted to go. I finished my shower, and went running find theo.

I entered into his dorm.

He didn't shared with anyone.

"Theo" I said shouting.

He opened slightly the bathroom door. He was shirtless, with his hair all wet.

Oh Merlin.

Stop concentrate.

I handed the letter to him.

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