•Chapter 53•

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Shawn Mendes
As soon as the lights went down a wave of excitement went through me.
I pictured Elara putting on Frances' headphones as the screams came.
I smiled as I ran onto the stage.
My eyes immediately went down to the front row and tears came to my eyes as I spotted Frances holding up an illuminated sign.
She had a wide smile on her face and was bouncing around on the floor.
My eyes travelled up to Elara.
I swore to myself that she got more beautiful every time I saw her.
More tears came as I saw her wipe away her own tears.

The screams kept coming but in my head they slowly faded away.
I forgot singing for a moment.
I ran down the steps of the stage and swung Frances into my arms before crashing into Elara.
I felt her arms wrap back around me and I sighed.
I was home.

"Hi." I grinned.
"Hi daddy!" Frances said and i threw my head back with laughter before she pressed her nose to mine.
I pulled away and leaned down to connect my lips with Elara's.
As soon as I felt her hand cup my face and her lips touch mine a rush of adrenaline ran through me.
"Can i take her on?" I asked and looked at Frances who now had her head on my shoulder.
"Please don't drop her." Elara said and I smiled before kissing her again.
"I love you."
"I love you too now to sing. I've waited years for this." She said and i grinned.
I held Frances tight and went back up to the stage.

I went up to the microphone as the screams did slowly fade.
"So this isn't traditionally how I'd open a show. But this is the first time i've seen my baby and my girl for months. Say hi." I said and looked down at Frances.
She giggled and put her little hands onto the mic.
"Go on say hi to everyone."
"Hi. I-My-I'm Frances. " She giggled and I filled with pride as a round of 'aw's flooded the arena.
I kissed her cheek and she pushed her head into the crook of my neck.
I gave her one last hug before Elara came half way up the steps to guide Frances back down.
Happiness flooded my system and I knew that this was going to be the best show I had ever done.

Elara Beck
The tears were rolling down my cheeks for ninety five percent of the show.
I was so proud of him.
Frances and I danced along to all his songs and spoke to a few girls that were behind us during the interval.
Towards the end of the show Frances started to get tired and I held her in my arms as the last few songs played.
By the last song Frances was asleep, resting her head on my chest.
Shawn kept mouthing asking if she was ok and I nodded at him to keep going.
He played so passionately that I didn't understand how everyone on the planet wasn't awed by him.
And while I loved watching him perform on stage, I couldn't wait for him to get off it.

When he played his last song and said goodnight to everyone, my heart filled with joy as he ran down the steps of the stage and over to us.
He wrapped his arm around my waist as I held our daughter.
"Shall we go? I just have to get changed and grab my things then we'll go home." He said and I nodded.
He led both of us to his dressing room and I put Frances gently on the sofa.
As soon as I put her down Shawn wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tight.
I put my arms around his neck and held him close.
"Come here." He whispered and pulled on my arm until we were in his tiny bathroom.
"What are we doing?" I giggled as if we were school children.
"Well i wanted to kiss you without the possibility of Frances waking up and seeing something she shouldn't." He said and my knees went weak.

He wrapped his arms around me and hungrily pressed his lips to mine.
I kissed him back quickly and couldn't stop the moan from escaping as he squeezed my hips.
"Is now a good time for the best sex of your life?" He said and I smirked.
"I thought we were saving that for when you're back in December. You've still got three months Mr Mendes." I said and walked away from him with a wink.
"Fuck me." I heard him groan and i giggled to myself at his impatience.

After Shawn got all his things together and said his goodbyes to people we got into the car and went home.
As soon as we got back i slipped Frances into her pyjamas and put her into bed.
When I walked back into the living room I just spent a few moments looking at Shawn.
He was sat on the couch dressed in grey sweatpants and a black hoodie. He tapped away on his phone and scrolled through twitter probably to see what people were saying about the show.
I had no doubt it would all be positive.
I took note of how several curls were resting on his forehead, and his cheeks were still slightly rosy.
He looked so handsome and I grinned to myself at how lucky I was.
"Hey rockstar." I said leaning my head against the door frame.
"Hey" He smiled and beckoned me over.

I walked over to where he sat and wrapped my arms around his neck from behind and placed my chin on his shoulder.
"How you feeling?" I said and he sighed and rested his head on the back of the couch.
"Elated." He smiled, which in turn made me smile.

I walked round to sit beside him and he immediately wrapped his arms around me as I leaned into him.
"I missed you." I whispered.
"I missed you too." 
And as I held him close to me and he held me close to him, I was home.

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