Bianca and I shared a glance before stifling a laugh, "Bra?" Bianca managed to say through the laughs. Nico rolled his eyes but still nodded. Bianca continued laughing while something else caught my eye.

A boy had entered, he had unkempt black hair and was wearing an orange tee-shirt. From here I couldn't see what the words were on it but I believe it was, 'CHB.' Instantly I knew that he was new because of his eyes, they were a unique sea-green. If someone at this bland school had eyes like his, I would've seen it or heard of it. The girls here loved to

"Whose that?" I questioned, when Bianca turned to me with a confused I gestured over to the boy, which now had a few friends behind him. A pale girl with short black hair who wore a 'death to barbie' shirt, another girl only this time she had blonde hair with distinct gray eyes, the last of the quartet was a boy with curly brown hair and wore the same shirt as the first one.

Nico glanced at them before shrugging, "Probably some students from a different school here to dance with their girlfriends and boyfriend." Bianca nodded in agreement. I sighed, accepting that as an answer.

"Okay, okay now let's play this mythomagic game before I turn 81 years old," Nico laughed. I nodded searching through my pockets before pulling out cards of my own.

First, it was Hades against Apollo, I threw down Hades and won. Nico sighed in defeat while I smiled victoriously. Next was Apollo against Aphrodite, this time Nico won. The battle went on, and on until it ended with us tying, 25-25.

Everything went quite boring for the next few minutes, Nico complaining about the tie, Bianca always looking around the room like death is lurking around the corner. I just reviewed my cards, I had every single one except for the Hades figurine. Once I get it I'm going to give it to Nico, he wanted it so much more.

I was focused on my thoughts that I didn't notice the person that approached us from behind. By the time Bianca realized he'd already clasped his hand over her mouth, leaving her screams muffled. Nico and I, startled, looked at our sister.

He grabbed Nico, whose eyes were pleading me to run away. "If you leave I'll kill both of them," The person threatened, I looked at Nico and Bianca. Bianca tried yelling, "Run away! It'll be fine!" But it was muffled, I couldn't just leave my siblings here. They were the only family I had, and I loved them.

I nodded, frowning. "Fine, just don't hurt them."

We'd gotten ourselves into some deep trouble. Thorn led us to some dark corridor and just stood there waiting, with a smug smirk on his face. Nico was on the verge of tears while Bianca was trying to figure a way out, and I, well, I was a mix of both.

Of course, I tried to be strong for Nico and Bianca but I was still comprehending this whole situation. One second I was thinking about mythomagic the next I was getting kidnapped by my professor. Why did it have to be us? We'd never done anything besides get some pretty bad grades.

I looked around the room, looking for something to defend ourselves. Until I saw a boy approaching, he was going to get himself killed! Wait, it was the pretty boy from before and he had a sword? Okay, this is getting confusing.

Thorn started approaching the boy from behind. I couldn't say anything because if I did Nico and Bianca could be getting hurt, but could this boy protect us? I mean he did have a sword.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐇 , percy jackson¹︎Where stories live. Discover now