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A/N: sdhsdjjhfsd ok hi everyone I'm back after another century and I apologize in advance because chances are you won't see another update for a long time,,,,been busy and after some recent computer fiasco, I currently have no way to physically type my fanfics!! O///O''' I'm working on fixing that...but anyway.....

-As always, I apologize if there's anything wrong with the grammar, spacing, punctuation, details, for any typos, if anyone is ooc, etc. 

-Also I'm sorry this bit is so short, but the next stories will be more like the original format I'd been hoping to write when I started this one! With each chapter being its own little story/adventure....^^'' 

-So without further ado, I hope you enjoy! :D 


Orion waited at the gates to Kaon, nervously eyeing the rather...buff guards that stood nearby. Their faces were like stone; unmoving and barren of any emotion, staring straight ahead as they gripped large blades with both hands.

Megatronus...please...come...Orion swallowed and took a small step back. As he continued to wait, his mind began to wander.

He noticed the two guards were also very different.

The one to the left of the gate was slightly bigger, and a much milder shade of blue dominated his plating. Meanwhile, his companion to the right had a deeper blue with highlights of a blueish-purple, as well as the tip of his helm having a small crack in it. Orion also began to see that their optics were actually closer to green than blue, the blue-purple bot having a greener shade of—

"Orion. You wanted to see me?"

The archivist nearly jumped out of his skin, biting down on his tongue in surprise. Quickly, he slapped a hand over his mouth as he turned around, still reeling a little from the pain of his bite.

"Mh...mhmh..." he nodded, smiling a little sheepishly under Megatronus' hardened gaze.

First thing's first, make this whole mess right, Orion. Don't screw it up again.


Orion felt his face heat up, realizing he hadn't quite...thought out what to say.

The silence, broken only by the sounds of nature, seemed louder with every awkward second that passed.

"Orion..." Megatronus' voice was a bit softer as he cut into Orion's thoughts. "I thought you should know that I—"

"I'M SORRY!!!"

The two of them froze, eyes widened, just staring. Nervously Orion swallowed, wishing he hadn't just blurted his apology so awkwardly....and while Megatronus had been trying to say something...

"...and so am I, Pax."

Megatronus let his gaze flit to the ground as he mumbled his own apology, absentmindedly kicking at the ground. Primus, don't I sound stupid...he gritted his teeth. But I was stupid...and overly mean...and stubborn....

Hands reached out and gently gripped his rough servos, causing him to abruptly look up again. He was met with Orion's bright blue optics, shimmering with remorse and anxiousness.

"Megatronus, please," he nearly whispered. "Don't apologize..."

"But I was—"

"—hurt. You were hurt because you and I are friends, and I wasn't there for you. We appreciate many of the same things, yet we are still different."

Megatronus stared into his friend's eyes. Orion squeezed his hands, smiling faintly.

"Difference makes life unique, Megatronus," the archivist stated earnestly. "It was my fault for being so close-minded. I feared what it was I could not understand...and I see that now. Were I to lie to you or not, it would have made no difference—I would still be ignorant and unaccepting."

He paused, looking down briefly, feeling guilty. "I am your friend, and I care about your happiness...and I wanted to let you know that whatever you love, whoever you are—I will be there next to you. I will support you. If I don't understand, I will make the effort to—"

"Orion Pax."

"—learn...yes?" Orion instantly felt his heart begin to pound. He hoped with all his spark he hadn't said something he hadn't meant. Truly, Orion felt what he was saying...

Megatronus squeezed his friend's hands back.

"I know you meant no harm, my friend. It was my pride that twisted your words. You made no mistake...I ask you accept my apology for being so...harsh..." He gazed at Orion. "And, Orion...thank you."

There was another silence before Orion nodded, smiling.

"You are my friend, Megatronus," he repeated, "I would not turn you away for the world."

"Orion, I—"

He didn't finish his sentence, feeling all air leave his system as he felt the young scholar throw his small frame against his, arms embracing him gently.

A...a hug....

Megatronus stood there, immobile for a moment.

Then, feeling a flood of warm emotion, he gingerly hugged back.

Something about the comforting grip of his small friend made his spark soar.

I suppose every fight has its conclusion...I'm glad ours did...

Orion drew away, swiveling to face the gates.

"Come, Megatronus, I have an idea..." Orion prompted him, tugging gently on the gladiator's arm, smiling warmly. Saying nothing, Megatronus followed, feeling...something he couldn't quite describe with words well up in him.

"Of course," he responded, trying his best to contain his joy.

Anywhere we go, let us be together, Orion Pax. You are a peace and kindness I have never been shown. Your eyes sparkle with innocence and excitement for life—life which is not beautiful, but only because you wish to learn about everything you can...your soul is good and I wish I was like you...let me stay near you, so that I may learn...

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