Chapter 4

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When Zoe returned to the stage, she couldn't help but notice the scene playing out in front of her. Miles, ever the workaholic, had buried his nose in his homework (big surprise), leaving Aliza with no alternative but to join him.

Every now and then, Aliza would pause and say something to him and he would laugh distractedly. She would also smack him playfully from time to time whenever he (presumably) made one of his smart aleck comments.

After watching for some time Zoe felt her eyes widen with realization. She had noticed Aliza acting like this around Miles lately but it didn't hit her until right then.

Aliza liked Miles. A lot.

It was painfully obvious to Zoe, but she doubted Miles had a clue. He was more interested in his equations and formulas than deciphering the complexities of love. He probably wouldn't understand the concept of it even if Aphrodite herself paid him a visit, but to Zoe it was so obvious that she had no idea how she hadn't noticed it before.

Now that she had noticed it, she couldn't un-notice it. And she wasn't sure she liked it either.

Zoe knew it was selfish, but they were the only friends she had at school right now. Mark was a senior so she didn't have lunch or any classes with him, and Bethany, Rhonda and Kayla went to school in their own township so Zoe only saw them in the afternoons.

Which left her with Aliza and Miles, who were the greatest friends anyone could ever ask for. Zoe had never actually had any friends like them before. They were never afraid to say what they thought out loud, or stand up to people like Tasha. But at the same time, they were both very down to earth and kind. Zoe loved that part about them the best. The three of them were so different, it was what kept them together.

But if Miles and Aliza started dating now, she'd be left out in the cold; a definite third wheel (unless she got a boyfriend of her own of course. But that wasn't going to happen any time soon).

On the other hand, if Miles did get Aliza's message and turned her down, things would get even more complicated for their friendship. Just thinking about it made Zoe's head hurt.

It was thirty minutes to eight now. And as she watched, Aliza began to put her books away. Her curfew was at eight on the dot and her mom always threw a fit if she was late (like eight was even late). Aliza usually cycled home, but since she didn't live in the same neighborhood as Miles and Zoe, she needed at least twenty minutes to make it there in time.

Zoe watched as Aliza said goodbye to Miles, waiting for the usual wave she sent in her direction.

It never came.

Aliza stood up and strode out of Al's without even glancing at her. Zoe was so surprised that she almost forgot to keep singing. Luckily that didn't happen, but she couldn't help but feel a twinge of hurt and confusion. She had obviously upset Aliza with tonight's entrance.

Only how?

Zoe struggled to focus on singing as her mind wandered. She was still trying to figure it out as her shift ended at eight thirty. In a daze, she bid Bethany, Rhonda and Kayla goodnight before making her way over to where Miles was sitting.

He was her unofficial and unpaid homework tutor. Every afternoon, he would help her out with her Math homework after her shift. Sometimes they would go on till eleven in the night.

Miles lived with his aunt and uncle. And they couldn't care less about what time he came home. For Zoe however, it was a little more complicated than that.

Every half hour, she had to check her cell phone for the live feed she got from the wireless surveillance cameras at home. They were being put to good use despite their cost. She couldn't bring herself to relax without making sure her mom was okay. Which was why she had to keep checking. But other than that, she didn't really care about how late it got either. She enjoyed spending time with her British best friend.

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