Chapter 3

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Zoe took a deep, calming breath before pushing open the door.

No time to back out now.

Al's wasn't her school cafeteria but since it was constantly haunted by kids from school, the same dynamic of predator and prey applied here too; with Zoe always feeling like the hunted rather than the hunter.

Considering how she was treated at school, she couldn't help but wonder how she'd even managed to survive two months of this ordeal without getting booed off stage, but then again, she had a hunch that Al Dubowski, the owner of the place, had something to do with it. He had threatened to close down the place - jokingly, of course - if anyone dared to drive Zoe away just because of a petty high school feud.

No one had wanted that to happen. Al's Pizzeria was a haven for everyone who needed a break from the dullness of life. The perfect hangout for those seeking comfort, good food, and live music to vibe to. Zoe was just one of the singers in a roster of talented musicians who graced the stage nightly with their performances.

However, despite the many friends she'd made during her stint here, Zoe knew better than to take her spot for granted. She couldn't afford to. Not when it was currently the only thing holding her life together. But even with the looming threat of being hounded off the stage by the school bullies, Zoe had managed to hold her ground, continuing to perform each night without a single incident.

Even so, she wasn't stupid. She knew that Al had never been serious about shutting down the place. It was something he would throw out there occasionally as an empty threat whenever the bullies got too close for comfort. The real reason why Zoe hadn't been driven away was that people genuinely loved her performances. Zoe had an incredible singing voice, and despite all her insecurities, it was still the one thing she refused to deny herself.

So in spite of how much Tasha and her gang hated her, Zoe's talent had made her indispensable to Al's and a fan favorite.

Zoe paused now, inhaling deeply and filling her lungs with the sweet scent of cooking; wood smoke mixed with the earthy aroma of sizzling meat. The luxuriant smell of herbs and spices lingered in the air, mingling with the rich scent of freshly brewed coffee, making her mouth water.

Looking around tentatively, she saw that not even a quarter of the usual crowd had arrived yet. Even Miles and Aliza weren't there. That was good. Everyone would see her only after she got on stage. Hopefully they would all take it fairly well. Except Tasha of course. But that was kind of the point.

Zoe made her way over to the counter and opened the little door on the side that separated it from the restaurant and went to the kitchens.

Where she froze.

Okay, so maybe some people would see her before she went up on stage.

The people in question hadn't seen her yet, but she knew they would.

She had totally forgotten about how Mark and his friend Jason Drew worked at Al's too. Which was funny because they'd been working there for almost as long as Zoe had.

They didn't even have to. They just liked having the extra pocket money. It was how Mark had saved up enough to buy his BMW. They weren't here to sing like Zoe either – Mark couldn't carry a tune to save his life. They just took orders and cleaned up tables after people left.

Right now – despite being dressed in their work uniforms which consisted of a white apron over a black shirt and pants – they were sitting at a table taking a crack at their homework before their shifts, like Zoe's, started at six. They were so absorbed that they didn't even notice the clamor of the kitchen around them, let alone hear her coming in.

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