Ouch My Butt.

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Pallet Town was a small and suburban place. Very quiet. Nothing like the city which Dani was used to. She came from Rustboro City in the Hoenn Region, it was always busy and full of noise, everyone caught up in their own lives. For the first time she noticed everything around her. There were 2 types of buildings scattered about in the town. most were old and classic, others were more modern. There weren't many in the middle, she figured Pallet Town is urbanizing. Perhaps it will develop into city someday.

Despite the time gap in it's architecture, all the buildings fit with each other, except one building. This building was large and looked almost futuristic. She walked to the face of it and read the sign:


A small part of Dani was tempted to grab the door handle and peek inside the building. Whoever's in there would understand, right? She won't be executed for curiosity. Her fingers touched the cold and sleek door handle, but as she was about to grip it, the door whooshed open at her. Dani tried to move away as quick as she could, but unfortunately she has bad reflexes and a slow brain. Dani's right leg was caught by the door, scraping her shin. She then tripped on her heel and fell back, she tried using her hands to break the fall, but her arms locked as her palms collided with the floor. It hurt like hell. Dani landed on her butt and the air was knocked out of her.

"Oh my! I'm sorry, I should have been more careful!" a soft voice panicked, it was filled with guilt. Dani was left dizzy from the fall, she could not see quite clearly, but she managed to focus on an open hand reaching for her. Dani took it and was swept up to her feet. She rubbed her temples trying to regain stability, her eyes tightly shut, "Are you alright? Let me help you,"

"It's fine, I'm fine," Dani waved her hand with a strong, "no," she opened her eyes slowly and looked to where the voice was coming from, 

"...," Dani rubbed her eyes and they widened. 

Standing before her was a beautiful girl.

"Were you going to see Professor Oak?" The girl asked. Her voice was like silver, and Dani felt entranced by it. The girl fiddled with her bangs a little. She had straight and thick blond hair wrapped into a ponytail. Dani thought it looked like a nomel berry, she smiled. And her skin was soft and peachy, the girl was glowing. Her eyes however, her eyes were beautiful. Green and glassy, full of emotion Dani couldn't comprehend. "Um, excuse me?" The girl gave a shy wave for attention. Dani's eyes fluttered and she turned crimson. 

"Sorry, I sorta zoned out. I'm not actually here for anything," Dani looked to the door, "I just wanted to go inside,"

"I see," The girl smiled, "nobody's busy at the moment, I'm sure the professor would be happy to give you a pokémon,"

"Ah?" Dani looked confused, "Wait, I'm not here for a pokémon! haha, I just wanted to look inside. I recently moved, so I was curious...," Dani fixed her hair, "I'm Dani by the way," she held out her hand.

"My name's Lillie," Lillie clasped Dani's hand with both of hers. "Follow me, I'll introduce you~"

 "Follow me, I'll introduce you~"

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