Chapter 15

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Once we pull into the driveway, we decide to stop and get Brenden and Maddison's puppy so that we would have to run between the two houses to care for it. Once we have her in the car, we head over to our home. Hayden tells me to head in and let Rex out. Then he will come in with the twins. That way, Rex has run most of his energy out. Before he is introduced to the twins. I let Maddison's pup down on the ground. Then I walk to the house, let Rex out of his cage, and outside to do his business. Hayden brings the boys in and helps me get them latched on so they can eat.

While I am feeding the twins, Hayden brings in the bags from the car and brings them upstairs to the twins' bedroom. After he is done with that, he walks in and watches me feed his children. " What?" I asked

"Kitten, I never realized how sexy it is that you can provide food for our kids from your body. Watching you feed them makes me realize just how special and unique a woman's body is. I could watch you provide them for hours?" Hayden says.

"It amazes me that my body can make enough milk to feed to Babies. I can't believe they are finally home with us and we don't have to run to the hospital to see them anymore. You know, watching you with them brings me nothing but joy."

"I am glad to hear you say that, Kitten. Do you think I should check to see if Rex wants in?"

"Wait until after they finish eating. Then we will let him in. I am sure he will love them just as much as we do," I say.

"Alright, kitten," Hayden says, giving me a kiss that held a lot of passion in it."

So after the boys finished the meal, we put them back in their car seats after changing their diapers. Then Hayden let the pups in. I was a little nervous at first, but once Rex walked in to see the babies, he went over, sniffed them, licked each of their hands, and lay on the floor in front of them. Rex stared at us, And then looked at the boys and went to the stairs. I was trying to figure out what it was he was trying to get us to do.

"Baby doll, I think he wants us to take the boys up to their room," Hayden says.

"Wonder why he is acting like this, but let's try it," I say.

We took the boys out of their seats and brought the boy's up to their bedroom once we were in there, Rex made himself comfortable and laid down in front of one of the cribs. We chuckled at him and then took the boys to our room to change into comfy clothes. Rex followed and sat at the foot of the bed while we laid the boys down on the bed so we could change our clothes. Rex never takes his eyes off the babies. After we were done, I bent down so I could pet and talk to Rex, "I take it the boys are going to be under your watchful eyes. I am glad that you have taken a liking to them, buddy," I say to him as he licked me.

There was a knock on the door; Hayden and I each grabbed one of the twins and headed to the front door. Hayden opens the door. Mason was standing on the front porch. "Oh wow, the twins are home," he says.

"Yeah, they come home today. Why don't you come in? I am sure you want to hold them," I say as I start to walk to the living room.

"We were going to order pizza. Would you like to join us for dinner?" Hayden asked.

"Yeah, I am a little hungry. So, introduce me to the twins," Mason says with a smile.

"I am holding Xander and Mel is holding Xaidyn," Hayden says.

"They look alike. How can you tell the two apart," Mason asked, looking between the boys.

"Well, Xander's hair is a little longer than Xaidyn's. And Xaidyn scrunches up his nose when he is falling asleep and Xander starts to fuss," I say.

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